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SATURN-09 CDOM calibration evaluation

The table below contains the quality flags associated with CDOM sensor calbration evaluations and the associated scaling used to bring various sensors into alignment.  Refer to the QA/QC general information page for information on the different quality levels.  The following slides provide details on CDOM data scaling & data quality evaluation: SATURN CDOM Sensor Performance & Data Scaling.pptx


Quality Flag Start Time End Time Comment Instrument
QL4 9/8/14 3/17/16 The Turner Designs Cyclops 7 CDOM sensors have not yet yielded consistent results in measurements of reference standard solutions used to scale the SATURN CDOM sensor outputs to a common scale.  Protocols to evaluate and scale sensor output for these sensors are still under development.  In addition, the sensors have had multiple issues with performance while deployed as can be seen by the drop off in data for each deployment.  The visibly bad data have been flagged as such while the remainder of data have been flagged as poor and should be used with caution. No scale factors have been applied to scale output  from the SATURN-09 CDOM sensors to the output of other SATURN CDOM sensors CD#218-0541
QL4 3/17/16 4/19/16 The Turner Designs Cyclops 7 CDOM sensors have not yet yielded consistent results in measurements of reference standard solutions used to scale the SATURN CDOM sensor outputs to a common scale.  Protocols to evaluate and scale sensor output for these sensors are still under development.  In addition, the sensors have had multiple issues with performance while deployed as can be seen by the drop off in data for each deployment.  The visibly bad data have been flagged as such while the remainder of data have been flagged as poor and should be used with caution. No scale factors have been applied to scale output  from the SATURN-09 CDOM sensors to the output of other SATURN CDOM sensors CD#218-0542
QL5 4/19/16 6/9/16 All data during this deployment were bad due to sensor failure CD#218-0541