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Data Notices
February 2019: offset correction applied to SATURN-04 turbidity
5/1/18 - 10/1/18: Quatlity controlled SATURN-04 turbidity data that were previously released were corrected to include an adjustment for a 2.5ntu baseline offset
September 2018: Revised Scaling Applied to CDOM data
Scale factors and offsets used to scale CDOM sensor output to a common calibration were revised. These revisions include more consistent calculation and application of correction coefficients as well as an attempt to apply stable corrections over longer periods of time for a sensor when standard measurements during that time are in fairly close agreement. For additional information, a table summarizing the changes can be found here: CDOM_scaling_revisions_table.xlsx and slides summarizing the standard data and scaling of data can be found here: Sensor Performance and Data Scaling_2.pptx
Sept. 23, 2016: Revision of SATURN-03 Nitrate QC between 3/4/15 & 5/18/16
Aug 11, 2016: Revised Calibrations Applied to SATURN-04 Chlorophyll
The calibrations based on extracted chlorophyll measurements that are applied to raw data have been revised. The revisions include the inclusion of additional sample data and correcting the calibration regressions to fit sensor output as the dependent variable. The newly applied calibrations resulted in small changes the final chlorophyll values. Greater than 99% of the changes were within +/- 2 ug/L. Details of the original and updated calibrations are available in the QA/QC supporting documentation: and an overview of changes are sumarized here.
Aug 5, 2016: Revised Calibrations Applied to SATURN-03 Chlorophyll
The calibrations based on extracted chlorophyll measurements that are applied to raw data have been revised. The revisions include re-grouping the sample data by year as well as correcting the regressions to fit sensor output as the dependent variable. The newly applied calibrations typically result in higher values for chlorophyll concentration. While the majority of changes were within +/- 2 ug/L, increases at the highest chlorophyll values were greater than 20%. Details of the original and updated calibrations are available in the QA/QC supporting documentation: and an overview of changes are sumarized here.
Jun 17, 2016: Turbidity and Chlorophyll Clear Water Offsets
Turbidity and chlorophyll offsets, based on measured values in de-ionized water in-situ and pre-deployment, have been applied in the PD1 data for current deployments at SATURN-03, SATURN-04, SATURN-07 and SATURN-09.
March 3, 2016: Turbidity data correction
Turbidity data from Cyclops sensors was incorrectly scaled by a factor of 6 prior to March 3rd, 2016. Historical data has been rescaled to the correct scale. This change has resulted in a larger baseline offset which has been adjusted for in the PD2 data. Turbidity data from FLNTU and Multi-exciter instruments did not require rescaling and has not been changed.