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SATURN-01 CDOM calibration evaluation

The table below contains the quality flags associated with CDOM sensor calbration evaluations and the associated scaling used to bring various sensors into alignment.  Refer to the QA/QC general information page for information on the different quality levels.  The following slides provide details on CDOM data scaling & data quality evaluation: SATURN CDOM Sensor Performance & Data Scaling.pptx


Quality Flag Start Time End Time Scale Factor Offset Comment Instrument
QL5 11/26/12 12/1/12 --- --- This sensor was deployed for a month at SATURN-01.  The sensor response is not consistent with other data from this station.  Adjustments based on sstandard measurements did not improve the data.   These data have been flagged as bad until methods for data salvage have been developed.  FLCD#2228
QL2 4/25/14 11/12/14 1.041 0 This CDOM sensor was factory calibrated on  1/16/14.  Sensor checks in reference solutions were used to scale output  from the SATURN CDOM sensors to a common scale.   The data during this time period were adjusted only slightly with a scale factor of 1.041. FLCD#1973
QL2 11/12/14 4/1/15 1.322 -1.3 This CDOM sensor was factory calibrated on  1/16/14.  Sensor checks in reference solutions were used to scale output  from the SATURN CDOM sensors to a common scale.   A sensor check in Nov. 2014 showed a shift in sensor resonse.  The data during this time period were adjusted with a scale factor of 1.323 and an corrected for an offset of ~1.3ppb. FLCD#1973
QL3 5/11/15 11/1/15 2.21 -1.98 The sensor response during this deployment was inconsistent with previous & following deployments of the sensor, data from neighboring stations and with measurements of standard solutions.  While the magnitude of response was off, the sensor appeared to be working properly.  An approximate scale factor (2.2) and offset correction (-2ppb) was calculated by aligning these data with those from SATURN-03, relative to salinity.   In addition a correction for drift of the calibration has been applied. This correction is approximate and the data should be used with caution. FLCD#1973
QL2 6/8/16 7/1/17 1.183 -0.67 Prior to the deployment of this sensor in mid-2016, a different sensor (WETLabs FLCD #1973) has been deployed at SATURN-01.  Sensor checks in reference solutions were used to scale output  from the SATURN CDOM sensors to a common scale.   Based on standard measurements made on 2/1/17, the data during this time period have been scaled by a factor of 1.18 and corrected for an offset of ~0.7ppb. WSCD#1339