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So cool, I wear sunglasses
Undergraduate intern Nathan Hinkle performed research with a solar simulator to determine the rate at which components of crude oil are degraded by sunlight.
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So cool, I wear sunglasses
Undergraduate intern Nathan Hinkle performed research with a solar simulator to determine the rate at which components of crude oil are degraded by sunlight.
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A river-to-shelf collaboratory with the following features:
Observation Network
Physical and biogeochemical data from endurance and pioneer stations
Virtual Columbia River
A skill-assessed modeling environment with daily forecasts, simulation databases, and scenario simulations.
Web-based “watches” to track specific river-to-shelf system features including Oxygen Levels and the Estuarine Turbidity Maxima
The Center for Coastal Margin Observation & Prediction (CMOP) is a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center (NSF STC) hosted at Oregon Health & Science University in partnership with Oregon State University and University of Washington. CMOP is the only NSF STC ever focused on coastal margins, and the only one ever headquartered in Oregon.
© 2025 Center for Coastal Margin Observation & Prediction