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Cruz Orozco-Alvarez's blog

Week 8: Restoring a Feature of the Past.

       This week I restored a feature which was disabled in an earlier version of the program. This feature would gather data from the Fixed Station User Interface and send it to data explorer to generate a plot. This feature was proven to be very useful before so I implemented it back into the Data Explorer so it may generate desired plots.

Week 7: Beta Testing and Debugging of Time-Plotting Capacity.

       This week I wrote out an email to users of the data explorer requesting for volunteer beta testers. I received many emails from people wanting to beta test as well as many bugs reported.

Week 6: Individual Time Modification for Y Axis

                Last week I added individual time modification handling to the Z axis. This week I focused on adding individual time modification to the Y Axis. Currently if you apply a time modification the modification is applied to X and Y Axes. With this this update users will be able to generate plots such as, Time vs. Salinity plot colored by Temperature. After completing this update all the axes can have individual time modifiers.

Week 5: Individual Time Modification for Z Axis

                Last week I added time handling to the Y and Z axis. This week I focused on adding individual time modification to the z Axis. Currently if you apply a time modification the modification is applied to all axes(X Axis, Y Axis, and Z Axis). With this this update users will be able to plot graphs such as, Temperature vs. Salinity plot colored by Day of Year.

"Colored by: Time example"

Week 4: Adding Time Handing to Y and Z Axis.

       After completing the Diagram my next step was to add time handling to the Y and Z axis. Currently only the X axis of the data explorer can handle time.

"Current Data Explorer Interface"

Week 3: Creating a UML Map of the Data Explorer.

       After looking at the code of the program I found myself searching for certain functions and taking very long to find them. A function tells the program “Hey! Do this if the user clicks here!” So to solve this I designed a UML diagram which shows me what the certain functions are called when a certain button is clicked. Below is the completed diagram.

“UML Diagram for Data Explorer”


Week 2: 4 Programming Languages in 1 Program.

             There are several different programming languages in the data explorer program which are: HTML/CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and JQuery. Having the most experience with HTML/CSS and PHP. I decide to do some research on JavaScript and JQuery. I found that JavaScript is a bit like other languages I have already used. So I had little trouble with JavaScript. JQuery on the other hand was new. Although the program used all these different languages I found myself using JavaScript the most.

Week 1: Understanding the Data Explorer

My name is Cruz Orozco an undergraduate summer intern at CMOP. Together, with my mentor Charles Seaton, I will be working with the data explorer, which is used to plot data such as: salinity, temperature, oxygen, etc. from the Columbia River. There are many stations across the Columbia River along with instruments, which are collecting data on a daily basis at different depths.

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