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Ermenejildo Rodriguez's blog

Week 9: Prioritizing, Poster, Paper, and Elizabeth Furse

     At the beginning of the week, Karen helped me to prioritize my work. She stated that I should focus more on the simulation, which helps. I was also able to find an article that helped me with my size scaling for my simulations. For the rest of week, I had a couple more meetings with Karen, and I attended a presentation by Elizabeth Furse. In the meetings with Karen, she continued to help me focus for my paper and poster. She suggested that I should steer toward the poster since it’s due sooner.

Week 6: Mid-Internship Presentation Week

     This week was a very eventful one. Other than reading from documentation or literature regarding CompuCell3D or ovarian development, I had two workshops, successful simulation runs, and a mid-term presentation. The first workshop was about our mid-internship PowerPoint presentation. Sheree Watson led the talk, and she spoke about what topics we can discuss. She presented to us a worksheet that had five areas of focus: title, background, objectives/goals, methods/data, and preliminary results/next steps.

Week 5 - Fine Tuning CompuCell3D and Prepping for Grad School

Monday, 07/07/14:
    I read from my CompuCell3D Reference Manual and Introduction to CompuCell pdfs to help me to make changes for my simulation. I also had a meeting with Karen about starting my simulation as a hexagonal image as opposed to square because hexagonal seem closer to a realistic start for cells.

Week 3 - Getting Better with this CompuCell3D Thing

Monday, 06/23/14:
    I read more from the CompuCell3D manual and found something that may help me with the mitosis simulation.

Week 2- More of PDFs, CompuCell3D

Monday, 06/16/14:
    Read more from PDFs about and practiced creating two dimensional illustrations of mitosis from one to 45 cells, had a meeting with Karen regarding progress and discussing how CompuCell3D works. I found a tutorial for mitosis called steppableBasedMitosis in my CompuCell3D folder that may help.

Week 1 - A New Beginning

I'm here for another summer of CMOP research! I'm looking foward to learning and producing some useful research!

Last Part to a Great Experience

Monday: Continued writing paper, added an exponential function to the function set in my genetic programming code for SHO, spoke with Tuomas about fixing exponential function in code for SHO, and ran SIL SR to see if would generate similar results to a good run from last week.


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