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Ermenejildo Rodriguez's blog

Good output for SIL

Monday: More preparations for the final paper, had a professional development meeting regarding posters for presentation, and had a meeting with Charles and Tuomas.

Tuesday: Wrote more for the final paper and had final meeting with Charles about code.

Wednesday: Wrote more for the final paper and had final meeting with Tuomas about code.

Beginning to Tie Up Loose Ends

Monday: Prepared to write final paper, re-researched symbolic regression.

Tuesday: Started writing final paper starting at symbolic regression section, and changed code on main file.

Wednesday-Friday: I continued going over the Field Guide to Genetic Programming, implementing code that Charles and Tuomas suggest, and asking questions about genetic programming to Charles and Tuomas.


This has been a good week to understanding more about what symbolic regression is about.

More Progess and I'm Really Liking Python

Week7 (Jul 22 – July 26, 2013):


Monday, Tuesday: I looked into A Field Guide to Genetic Programming.

Wednesday: I continued looking into A Field Guide to Genetic Programming, had meeting with Charles about looking into ephemeral constants that can generate float values.

Thursday: Continued looking into A Field Guide to Genetic Programming, had meeting with Charles about looking into ephemeral constants that can generate float values.

Finally! Some Code... and Indian Food

Week 5 (July 8 – July 12, 2013):

Slow Moving

Monday: 8 am meeting till 10:30 and met Sergi Frovlov, had a professional development meeting regarding resumes and CVs, developed first and second drafts of abstract for Charles, had a short meeting with Charles making sure I have the programs I need and talked about what to do next. I started reading from the Python tutorial.

Python, Anaconda and Symbollic Regression

Monday: Finalizing with Charles that we will use Pyevolve for our Python environment. I’m looking forward to using and learning Python because it’s a very powerful language. It’s nice to know that it’s object oriented like Java and C++, since those are my first two languages I’ve been learning.

Symbolic Regression with Evolutionary Algorithms

I'm working more closer now with symbolic regression which is essentially genetic programming. It seems that the models we are making are based on using evolutionary algorithms. From these algorithms, there are a category of potential solutions to a problem. From these answers, they are possible answers mathematically that can be achieved in real world use. The chief directive of evolutionary algorithms is to locate the best solution throughout the evolutionary process. 

Starting the Great Work

Tuesday: Continued reading the 7th annual report, had about a 1-hour meeting with mentor, Charles Seaton, about preparing for the final paper and poster. Then, we covered the background of CMOP that was specific to my project. Eventually, started reading in the Appendix E: 2011 CMOP Integrated Research Plan.


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