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Abigail Vorhies's blog

Code for Days: A CMOP Experience

06/11/2015 Day 6

So today I did some work and then I went to a talk about Native American science at Pacific University. I really enjoyed the talk and had a great experience. Unfortunatly I wan't able to get much done.  

Code for Days: A CMOP Experience

06/12/2015 Day 5

Goals: So I want to look a lot more into the different salinity levels in water. I don’t know very much about partially mixed, and time dependent salt wedge. These seem to be the most common stratifications in the Columbia River Estuary.  

Code for Days: A CMOP Experience

06/11/2015 Day 4

Goals: so I really what to try plotting certain days in oxygen and comparing them to the same days in the cmop data explorer. I also want to look at the Geyer-MacCready plots and try to decipher them a little more.

News: I can now access the Geyer MacCready plots. I’m not sure why they were not working a while ago but all well. Thing seem fine now. Also, I am officially done with my online ECON class! I know it doesn’t really matter in this setting but I did spend half of the morning taking my final when I could have been working. Whatever. 

Code for Days: A CMOP Experience

06/10/2015 Day 3

This day we went to the Columbia River Estuary. We saw station Saturn 03 and saw a few sensors get deployed into the water. It was really neat to see where the data comes from and what the people do that collect the data and work on the sensors. It was a really cool experience. 


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