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17 Aug - Cape Meares line

[img_assist|nid=755|title=Multicorer|desc=|link=popup|align=right|width=200|height=150]. Night shift ran six CTD casts going east along the Cascade Head Line starting at 2200 yesterday, and finished early so that we arrived at the Cape Meares line before breakfast at 0700. We sampled at nine stations, collecting water at four stations (CM-3, CM-10, CM-20, and CM-a). We completed 2 sets of samples before lunch and another right after lunch. Dale Hubbard noticed a sand/mud sediment signal on the echo sounder at station CM-30, so we deployed the multicorer in ~500m of water.

16 Aug - Newport Hydroline

Night shift ran four CTD casts going east along the Lincoln Beach line starting at 0130. We arrived at station NH-1 on the Newport Hydroline, and started sampling at 0830. We've had several days of northerly winds creating a down-welling situation. Surface salinity was pretty constant across the shelf and slope. Conditions became rough with medium to high seas as we moved offshore. Two of the scientific staff became seasick. We conducted CTD casts at nine stations, and and collected water at four station (NH-3, NH-10, NH-30, and NH-45). We started sampling the last station at 2000.

15 Aug - Strawberry Hill Line, sampling methods

First full day of sampling along the Strawberry Hill line. The latitude of our line is not parallel with the real Strawberry hill; it is closer to Cape Perpetua. We sampled water at four stations collecting surface, deep chl max and bottom (stations SH-30. SH-70, SH-b and SH-f). No coring, no big JCVI samples. Detected hypoxia in bottom waters at the 100m station and the 1500m station. Started sampling at 1045. Last sample was collected after dark, although cast began at dusk - deep cast to 1500m required about an hour, and we collected surface water at the end of the cast.

14 Aug 2007 Mooring day

Walt Waldorf and Craig Risien deployed a mooring near station NH-10. The water sampling group processed two samples (bottom and deep chl max) to determine volumes needed and to work out the kinks. The water chemistry group was the busiest - they did best with 3 people, but could also use filtering racks with larger funnels to hold more water. The ones they have now hold 200ml, but for most samples they can filter 2-4 liters through each filter. The DNA/RNA sampling group was pretty fast thanks to the two 3-head Geopumps we used.


Loading day began with a drive from Beaverton to Newport through Corvallis and over the coastal mountains. We arrived at lunchtime so I sent the team out to get lunch while a few of us (me, Jude Apple, Lydie Herfort, and Bill Howe) went to Fred Meyer to get some last minute supplies. The ship's crew helped get our gear on board with a crane. We set up the labs and then headed out to station NH-0 (i.e., the Rogue Brewery) for a pre-cruise meal.



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