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A Life Changing Opportunity

I have finished my first week, I am doing extensive lit review and I must say that I have already learned alot about the program.

I am honored to be here and am looking forward to working with this wonderful team of people. I have made some new friends and am getting aquainted with the traffic to and from campus, as I am commuting from vancouver. I am greatly intrigued by the research that goes on here and how well all departments comunicate with each other. this is already feeling like a quality expierience, I have been treated very well and am excited to see and learn more. I am an undergrad intern from Heritage University and this is my first gradschool internship expierience. I look forward to the weeks ahead as I will get more aquainted with SATURN Collaboratory and the virtual Columbia River. My expierience in the past with modeling includes some AMS climate and atmospheric energy/circulation models, also some ocean circulation and and have an understanding of radiosone technology. I amexcited that I will be attending the Oceana cruise next month and look forward to meeting and working with the team members there. My lit review has introduced me to some new insite on resource management and the challenges that I could face in a career in this field. I must say that this is one the most friendly and professional environments I have ever expierienced. The people here are willing to answer any questions and encourage us to explore the facility and get aquqainted with everyone we can. This is a great oportunity for me to gain some much needed expierience in a field of work,that  til now had only seemed like a dream.

There is much to learn here.

thank you so much for this opportunity

--Patric Feller