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A heat wave of excitement- Wk 3

Week 3!  Yes I made it through week three.  So much research, so much information and so much excitement. My excitement consists of preparing for my trip to Siberia.  Yes, you heard that right! I am heading to Siberia with my senior mentor Jon Waterhouse for three weeks and I couldn't be more excited.  We get to meet the indigenous people of the area known as reindeer herders.  We will also be taking a fish sample form the Lena river to see how much methylmercury concentration is within the fish.  I have been doing a lot of research about estuaries, methylmercury cycling and the affects of methylmercury in indigenous population.  I found the research quite intruiging because the fish that indigenous people eat are transferring methylmercury concentrations to their consumers.  This causes many social problems within the community.  Overall a great week of research and excitement!!