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Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

AUV transported back to shore.
CMOP has two Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) to study plankton blooms and the estuarine turbidity maxima in the Columbia River estuary. The AUV is an underwater robot equipped with sensors that measure the concentration of various elements or compounds, the absorption or reflection of light, and the presence of microscopic life.

Photo of Red Algal Bloom from airplane The AUVs are loaded on to the Research Vessel Inferno RV Inferno transports the AUV to the launch site.

Lifting AUV from case AUV released into the Columbia River north channel AUV in the water

AUV team monitors AUV activity The AUV is retrieved from the Pacific Ocean after traveling through the mouth of the Columbia River.Model simulation

View AUV observations →

Read how the AUV is being used in challenging environments →

Read how CMOP uses the AUV to study internal waves →

Watch video of first test using AUV in estuary →

Watch video and read blog of AUV mouth of Columbia River experiment →

(Photos: Jeff Schilling/CMOP except where noted.)