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Presentations by CMOP Members

Year: 2010
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Dang, T.X., Frolov, S. , Baptista, A.M. . 2010CoTrack: A Framework for Tracking Dynamic Features with Static and Mobile Underwater Sensors. Ocean Sciences Meeting. February 22, 2010. Portland, OR
Crump, B.C.. 2010Can temporal patterns in planktonic microbial communities serve as indicators of ecosystem change?. Department of Ecology and Evolution, Uppsala University. October 6, 2010. Uppsala, Sweden
Crump, B.C.. 2010Can temporal patterns in planktonic microbial communities serve as indicators of ecosystem change?. Cary Institute for Ecosystem Studies. September 23, 2010. Millbrook, NY
Crump, B.C.. 2010Can temporal patterns in planktonic microbial communities serve as indicators of ecosystem change?. 13th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology. August 23, 2010. Seattle, WA
Cho, K.,A., Baptista, A.M., Zhang, Y.J., McNeil, C.L., Wilkin, M.P., Rathmell, K., Kosro, M., Spitz, Y.H., Crump, B.C., Levine, M.D., Pierce, S.D., Peterson, T.D., Wingard, C.. 2010Sub-tidal circulation in the Columbia River estuary-plume-shelf system in spring and summer 2009. Ocean Sciences Meeting. February 22, 2010. Portland, OR
Year: 2008
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Dalbotten, D., Green, V., Pandya, R. , Uehara, W. . 2008Geoscience Education and Native Americans: Changing the National Dialogue on Our Environment. Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science National Conference. October 9, 2008. Salt Lake City, UT
Christmas, A.F., Peterson, T.D.. 2008Determination of nanomolar concentrations of acetaminophen (paracetamol) in aqueous media by a simple colorimetric method using a liquid waveguide capillary cell coupled to a UV/Vis spectrophotometer. Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students. November 5, 2008. Orlando, FL
Year: 2017
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Crump, Byron C., Fine, Lindy M., Herfort, Lydie, Smith, Maria W., Payet Jerome P., Simon, Holly M.. 2017The Estuarine Metagenome of Microbial Communities in the Columbia River estuary. JGI User Meeting 2017. March 22, 2017. Walnut Creek, CA.
Crump, B.. 2017KEYNOTE: Estuaries as bioreactors: transdisciplinary research on the Columbia River estuary. 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress. June 13, 2017. Rostock, Germany
Year: 2013
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Crump, B.C., Kellogg, C. T. E., Doherty, M., Fortunato, C. S., McClelland, J., Connelly, T., and K. Dunton.. 2013Seasonal and spatial drivers of estuarine bacterial community composition: a comparison of three estuaries.. Invited talk at the 22nd Biennial Conference of the 
Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation. November 7, 2013. San Diego, CA
Crump, B. C., Doherty, M., Fortunato, C. S., Simon H. M., Smith, M. W., Krusche, A. V., Brito, D., Cunha, A., Fernandes, M., Zielinski, B., Paul, J. H., Ward, N., Richey, J. E., Satinsky, B. M., Sharma, S., Smith, C. B., Moran, M. A., and P. L. Yager. 2013Microbial community composition and metagenomes across the river-to-ocean continuum of the Columbia and Amazon Rivers. 2013 AGU Fall Meeting. December 13, 2013. San Francisco, CA
Bueno Watts, N., Joseph, C.. 2013From Land, To Sea, and Under the Sea: Using Technology to Understand Ocean and Earth Systems. Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science. October 3, 2013. San Antonio, TX
Bueno Watts, N., Dalbotten, D., Zurn-Birkhimer, S., Myrbo, A.. 2013Moving Towards Earth-systems Planning for Seven Generations through Broadening the Participation of Native Americans in the Geosciences. Geological Society of America National Conference. October 28, 2013. Denver, CO
Bueno Watts, N., Dalbotten, D., Zurn-Birkhimer, S.. 2013Elevate Your Potential to Protect Your Planet and People through a Degree in Geoscience. American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) National Conference. October 31, 2013. Denver, CO
Bueno Watts, N, Smythe, W.F., Geraghty Ward, E., Green, V., Tano, M., Berthelote, A., & Dalbotten, D. 2013Geoscience Alliance: Building Capacity To Use Science For Sovereignty In Native Communities. Geological Society of America National Conference. October 28, 2013. Denver, CO
Year: 2009
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Crump, B.C., Fortunato, C.S., Smith, M.W., Simon, H.M., Herfort, L., Zhang, Y.J., Law, C.G., Baptista, A.M., Zuber, P.. 2009Drifter studies: Diel patterns in bacterioplankton community composition and gene expression in the Columbia River plume and coastal ocean. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation 20th Biennial Conference. November 2, 2009. Portland, OR
Crump, B.C., Bowen, J.L., Apple, J.K.. 2009An overview of microbial communities across estuarine and coastal environmental gradients. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation 20th Biennial Conference. November 2, 2009. Portland, OR
Crump, B.C., B. J. Peterson, P. A. Raymond, R. M. W. Amon, A. Rinehart, J. W. McClelland, R. M. Holmes. 2009Circumpolar Synchrony in Big River Bacterioplankton.  American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Aquatic Sciences Meeting. January 26, 2009. Nice, France
Crump, B.C.. 2009Microbial biogeography and ecosystem functions in lakes, rivers, estuaries and oceans. University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Horn Point Laboratory Seminar. January 21, 2009. Cambridge, MA
Cramer, A., Xu, M. Nurmi, J., Tratnyek, P., Simon, H.M.. 2009Correlating Geochemical Variables with Crenarchaeal Populations and Activities in Columbia River Sediment. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation 20th Biennial Conference. November 2, 2009. Portland, OR
Year: 2011
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Crump, B.C.. 2011Microbial Biogeography of Large Rivers. Global Rivers Workshop. October 5, 2011. Woods Hole, MA
Year: 2015
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Crump, B., Fine, L., Fortunato, C., Herfort, L., Needoba, J., Rinehimer, J.P., McNeil, C., Lopez, J.. 2015Controls on estuarine bioreactors: particulate organic matter predicts bacterial productivity in the Columbia river estuary. CERF 2015. November 11, 2015. Portland, OR
Cervantes, B., Spitz, Y., Baptista, A.M.. 2015Modeling the formation, retention and ecological impact of Mesodinium blooms in the Columbia River estuary. CERF 2015. November 12, 2015. Portland, OR
Year: 2014
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Crump, B. C.. 2014Can patterns in microbial community diversity and metagenomics serve as indicators of ecosystem change?. Laura Randall Schweppe Endowed Lecture Series in Marine Science. February 19, 2014. U. Texas at Austin Marine Science Institute, Port Aransas
Chickadel, C., McNeil, C., Farquharson, G., Shcherbina, A., Jessup, A.. 2014Surface Mixing Features Of The Columbia River Plume Lift-Off. Ocean Sciences Meeting. February 28, 2014. Honolulu, HI
Bueno Watts, N., Dalbotten, D., Green, V.. 2014Geoscience Alliance: Building Partnerships To Advance Ocean Research And Education For Native American Students.. Ocean Sciences Meeting. February 26, 2014. Honolulu, HI
Brodsky, P., McNeil, C.. 2014River monitoring with autonomous underwater vehicles. Department of Ecology, State of Washington. January 17, 2014. Lacy, WA
Year: 2012
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Christianson, A., Cook, A., Heaton, P. Edenshaw, R., Alender, H., Peele, N., Boromeo, L., Trout, A., Smythe, W.F., Remple, K., Baptista, A.M.. 2012Traditional Stories and Western Science: Two Ways Of Examining The Health Of Our River Ecosystems. American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) National Conference. December 20, 2012. Anchorage, Alaska
Year: 2016
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Chickadel, C.C., McNeil, C., Shcherbina, A., Farquharson, G., Karna, T., Baptista, A.. 2016AUV and Aircraft Measurements of an Internal Hydraulic Jump at the Mouth of the Columbia River. 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting, AGU/ASLO/TOS. February 21, 2016. New Orleans, LA
Year: 2006
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Bulusu, N. 2006Wireless Sensor Networks and Their Real World Applications. Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. October 4, 2006. San Diego, CA
