Wagner, J., Peterson, T.D., Needoba, J.A., Watanabe, K.. 2008. Influence of changes in salinity on carbon release by phytoplankton. Apprenticeships in Science and Engineering Symposium. August 15, 2008. Portland, OR |
Simon, H.M., Nurmi, J.T.. 2008. Combined Geochemical and Molecular Analyses of Crenarchaeal Assemblages in Columbia River Sediments. American Society for Microbiology General Meeting. July 1, 2008. Boston, MA |
Herfort, L., Selby, M.. 2008. Microbial-Mediated Activities in River-to-Ocean Environments in the Pacific Northwest. American Society for Microbiology General Meeting. July 1, 2008. Boston, MA |
Murphy, D. Herfort, L.. 2008. Biogeography of the Dominant Bacterial Taxa Across a Salinity Gradient In the Columbia River Estuary. American Society for Microbiology General Meeting. July 1, 2008. Boston, MA |
Freire, J. Koop, D.. 2008. Provenance and Annotation of Data and Processes. International Provenance and Annotation Workshop. June 17, 2008. Salt Lake City, UT |
Nurmi, J.T., Tratnyek, P.J.. 2008. Hydrogen Peroxide and pH Sensor for use in a Fresh Water to Ocean System: Nano Biogenic MnO2 Microelectrode. Electrochemical Society National Meeting. May 19, 2008. Phoenix, AZ |
Needoba, J.A., Baptista, A.M.. 2008. Towards an in Situ Biogeochemical Observation Network for the Columbia River Estuary. Columbia River Estuary Conference on Ecosystem Restoration. April 29, 2008. Astoria, OR |
Kosro, PM. 2008. Physical oceanographic scales. Oregon Policy Advisory Council Science & Technology Subcommittee Workshop on Size & Spacing Guidelines for Marine Reserves in Oregon's Territorial Sea. April 9, 2008. Eugene, OR |
Freire, J, Silva, C. 2008. Towards Enabling Social Analysis of Scientific Data. CHI Social Data Analysis Workshop. April 7, 2008. Florence, Italy |
Howe, B., Maier, D.. 2008. Quarrying Dataspaces: Schemaless Profiling of Unfamiliar Dataspaces. International Conference on Data Engineering. April 7, 2008. Cancun, Mexico |
Peterson, T.D., Kudela, R.M.. 2008. Influence of a recirculating river plume bulge on biogeochemical processes along the Oregon/Washington shelf. Ocean Sciences Meeting. March 3, 2008. Orlando, FL |
Strub, P.T., Saraceno, M., James, C., Kosro, P.M.. 2008. Altimeter uses in coastal regions: two approaches. Ocean Sciences Meeting. March 3, 2008. Orlando, FL |
Fulton, D.P., Kurapov, A.L.. 2008. Effects of the Columbia River Plume on the Dynamics of Upwelling Off Oregon. Ocean Sciences Meeting. March 3, 2008. Orlando, FL |
Zhang, Y., Baptista, A.M., Wang, K., Goldfinger, C., Witter, R., Priest, G.P., Peterson, C., Cruikshank, K.. 2008. Tsunami inundation study with unstructured grids: benchmarking and application to the Cascadia Subduction Zone. Ocean Sciences Meeting. March 3, 2008. Orlando, FL |
Green, V., Brauer, S., Herfort, L., Howe, B., Zhang, J. , Baptista, A.M.. 2008. Frontline Mentoring: Developing Effective Mentor Training for Post-Doctoral Fellows and Junior Faculty. Ocean Sciences Meeting. March 3, 2008. Orlando, FL |