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Presentations by CMOP Members

Year: 2008
Wagner, J., Peterson, T.D., Needoba, J.A., Watanabe, K.. 2008Influence of changes in salinity on carbon release by phytoplankton. Apprenticeships in Science and Engineering Symposium. August 15, 2008. Portland, OR
Simon, H.M., Nurmi, J.T.. 2008Combined Geochemical and Molecular Analyses of Crenarchaeal Assemblages in Columbia River Sediments. American Society for Microbiology General Meeting. July 1, 2008. Boston, MA
Herfort, L., Selby, M.. 2008Microbial-Mediated Activities in River-to-Ocean Environments in the Pacific Northwest. American Society for Microbiology General Meeting. July 1, 2008. Boston, MA
Murphy, D. Herfort, L.. 2008Biogeography of the Dominant Bacterial Taxa Across a Salinity Gradient In the Columbia River Estuary. American Society for Microbiology General Meeting. July 1, 2008. Boston, MA
Freire, J. Koop, D.. 2008Provenance and Annotation of Data and Processes. International Provenance and Annotation Workshop. June 17, 2008. Salt Lake City, UT
Nurmi, J.T., Tratnyek, P.J.. 2008Hydrogen Peroxide and pH Sensor for use in a Fresh Water to Ocean System: Nano Biogenic MnO2 Microelectrode. Electrochemical Society National Meeting. May 19, 2008. Phoenix, AZ
Needoba, J.A., Baptista, A.M.. 2008Towards an in Situ Biogeochemical Observation Network for the Columbia River Estuary. Columbia River Estuary Conference on Ecosystem Restoration. April 29, 2008. Astoria, OR
Kosro, PM. 2008Physical oceanographic scales. Oregon Policy Advisory Council Science & Technology Subcommittee Workshop on Size & Spacing Guidelines for Marine Reserves in Oregon's Territorial Sea. April 9, 2008. Eugene, OR
Freire, J, Silva, C. 2008Towards Enabling Social Analysis of Scientific Data. CHI Social Data Analysis Workshop. April 7, 2008. Florence, Italy
Howe, B., Maier, D.. 2008Quarrying Dataspaces: Schemaless Profiling of Unfamiliar Dataspaces. International Conference on Data Engineering. April 7, 2008. Cancun, Mexico
Peterson, T.D., Kudela, R.M.. 2008Influence of a recirculating river plume bulge on biogeochemical processes along the Oregon/Washington shelf. Ocean Sciences Meeting. March 3, 2008. Orlando, FL
Strub, P.T., Saraceno, M., James, C., Kosro, P.M.. 2008Altimeter uses in coastal regions: two approaches. Ocean Sciences Meeting. March 3, 2008. Orlando, FL
Fulton, D.P., Kurapov, A.L.. 2008Effects of the Columbia River Plume on the Dynamics of Upwelling Off Oregon. Ocean Sciences Meeting. March 3, 2008. Orlando, FL
Zhang, Y., Baptista, A.M., Wang, K., Goldfinger, C., Witter, R., Priest, G.P., Peterson, C., Cruikshank, K.. 2008Tsunami inundation study with unstructured grids: benchmarking and application to the Cascadia Subduction Zone. Ocean Sciences Meeting. March 3, 2008. Orlando, FL
Green, V., Brauer, S., Herfort, L., Howe, B., Zhang, J. , Baptista, A.M.. 2008Frontline Mentoring: Developing Effective Mentor Training for Post-Doctoral Fellows and Junior Faculty. Ocean Sciences Meeting. March 3, 2008. Orlando, FL
Year: 2007
Freire, J., Silva, C.. 2007Provenance Management: Challenges and Opportunities. SBBD 2007 - Simposio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados. October 15, 2007. Joao Pessoal, Brazil
Howe, B. 2007The Ocean Appliance: Complete Platform Provisioning for Low-Cost Data Sharing. MTS/IEEE Oceans. October 2, 2007. Vancouver, BC
Limm, P.. 2007Design, Fabrication, and Application of a Novel Nitrate/Nitrite Electrochemical Sensor. Apprenticeship in Science and Engineering Conference. August 17, 2007. Portland, OR
Zhang, Y. 2007A 3D unstructured grid hydrostatic model for scales from O(10km) to O(1m). Gordon Research Conference on Chemical Oceanography. August 6, 2007. Tilton, NH
Myers, E. 2007Evaluation and Transition of a Columbia River Nowcast/Forecast Circulation Model to NOAA’s National Ocean Service. Coastal Zone ‘07. July 23, 2007. Portland, OR
Zhang, Y, Baptista AM, Wang K, Goldfinger C, Witter RC, Priest GR, Peterson C, Cruikshank K. . 2007Hydrodynamic simulations of historic tsunamis from the Cascadia Subduction Zone. Coastal Zone ‘07. July 23, 2007. Portland, OR
Anderson, E., Callahan, S.. 2007Hardware-Assisted Point-Based Volume Rendering of Tetrahedral Meshes. SIBGRAPI 2007 - Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing. July 11, 2007. Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Anderson, E., Callahan, S.. 2007VisTrails: Using Provenance to Streamline Data Exploration. International Workshop on Data Integration in the Life Sciences (DILS). June 27, 2007. Philadelphia, PA
Green, V. 2007Broadening Participation for Native Students. Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians Meeting. April 6, 2007. Olympia, WA
Frolov, S., Baptista, A.M.. 2007Data Assimilation with a Reduced-Dimensionality Model in a Coastal Observatory. Workshop on Data Assimilation in Support of Coastal Ocean Observing Systems. April 3, 2007. Corvallis, OR
Howe, B. 2007Smoothing the ROI Curve for Scientific Data Management Applications. Third Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research. January 8, 2007. Asilomar, CA
Year: 2006
Herfort, L. 2006Diversity and Abundance of Archae and Potential for Nitrification in the North Sea and the Rivers Rhine and Tet. OGI School of Science & Engineering Seminar. October 6, 2006. Beaverton, OR
Bulusu, N. 2006Wireless Sensor Networks and Their Real World Applications. Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. October 4, 2006. San Diego, CA
Baptista, A.M.. 2006The Columbia River observing system and a vision for future integrated systems. 53rd annual Eastern Pacific Ocean Conference. September 30, 2006. Timberline Lodge, OR
Baptista, A.M.. 2006CORIE: the first decade of a coastal-margin collaborative observatory. Oceans'06. September 18, 2006. Boston, MA
