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Presentations by CMOP Members

Year: 2012
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Baptista, A.M.. 2012Operational modeling of a complex estuary-plume system. South China Sea Institute of Oceanology. November 13, 2012. Guangshou, China
Baptista, A.M.. 2012Operational modeling of a complex estuary-plume system. Xiamen University. November 16, 2012. Fujian, China
Baptista, A.M.. 2012Operational modeling of a complex estuary-plume system. Ocean University of China. November 19, 2012. Qingdao, China
Year: 2013
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Baptista, A.M.. 2013Managing to timing, thresholds and change -- a view from estuarine and plume physics. Ocean Science Workshop. February 14, 2013. Portland, OR
Baptista, A.M.. 2013Predicting and steering environmental change - A global health challnege. 10th Annual Western Regional Health Conference. April 5, 2013. Portland, OR
Baptista, A.M.. 2013You need results WHEN?!??. IMUM 2013. September 16, 2013. Austin, TX
Year: 2010
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Baptista, A.M.. 2010An Advanced Observation and Prediction System for the Columbia River. 2010 Coastal Summit. May 21, 2010. Long Beach, WA
Bandolin, N.. 2010Towards Long-Term Time Series of Sediment Concentrations in the Columbia Rive Estuary. Pacific Univeristy Student Poster Sessions. November 16, 2010. Forest Grove, OR
Anderson, C.R., Davis, R., Bandolin, S., Baptista, A.M. ,Tebo, B.M. . 2010Proteomic and genetic evidence for in situ bacterial Mn-oxidation in the Columbia River Estuary and coastal plume. Ocean Sciences Meeting. February 22, 2010. Portland, OR
Year: 2006
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Baptista, A.M.. 2006CORIE: the first decade of a coastal-margin collaborative observatory. Oceans'06. September 18, 2006. Boston, MA
Baptista, A.M.. 2006The Columbia River observing system and a vision for future integrated systems. 53rd annual Eastern Pacific Ocean Conference. September 30, 2006. Timberline Lodge, OR
Baptista, A.M.. 2006Scaling up a coastal margin observing system. 7th International Conference on HydroScience and Engineering. September 11, 2006. Philadelphia, PA
Baptista, A.M.. 2006Oregon and ocean observing: vision, status and unique opportunities. Natural Resources Cabinet of the Governor of Oregon. August 31, 2006. Salem, OR
Year: 2014
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Baptista, A.M.. 2014Of Salmon and People, of Environment and Health. AI/AN Health Seminar. April 3, 2014. Portland, OR
Baptista, A.. 2014CMOP report on activities relative to ATNI resolution #10-23. ATNI Mid-Year Convention. May 6, 2014. Grand Round, WA
Baptista, A.. 2014The Columbia River Basin. JPAC Public Forum: "North America's Coasts in a Changing Climate". November 6, 2014. Arlington, VA
Baptista, A.. 2014You need the results when? Place-based estuarine science with global societal implications. 2nd International Ocean Research Conference. November 17, 2014. Barcelona, Spain
Baptista, A.. 2014Science with an impact on decisions in the coastal zone: Lessons from the Pacific Northwest, USA. Conference Cycle on the Coast Portuguese. October 31, 2014. Lisbon, Portugal
Baptista, A. 2014The Columbia River as a river-dominated bioreactor: A data informed in silico exploration. 61st Annual Eastern Pacific Ocean Conference. September 18, 2014. Timberline Lodge, Mt. Hood, Oregon
António M. Baptista, Charles Seaton, Kurt Fresh, Dan Bottom, Jessica Miller, Krista Jones, Hans Moritz, Cynthia Studebaker, Rob Lothrop. 2014Fast prediction of river influences on the Columbia River estuary and plume, and implications for policy, adaptive management and operation. 2014 Columbia River Estuary Workshop: Forging Links in the Columbia River Estuary. May 28, 2014. Liberty Theater, Astoria, Oregon
Year: 2011
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Baptista, A.M, Spitz, Y.H, Needoba, J.A, Peterson, T.D, Zuber, P., Herfort, L.M, Seaton, C.M, Cho, K.H, Welle, P., Lopez, J.E. 2011Collaboratory Enabled Ecological Forecasts. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting. February 14, 2011. San Juan, Puerto Rico
Baptista, A. M.. 2011The NSF Science Technology Center for Coastal Margin Observation & Prediction: A National and Pacific Northwest Asset. Marine Technology Society - Puget Sound Section Annual Meeting. April 21, 2011. Beaverton, OR
Year: 2015
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Baptista, A., Karna, T., Lopez, J., Spitz, Y.. 2015Pushing an estuarine circulation model to the brink: Lessons learned and next steps. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues. June 29, 2015. Stanford, California
Baptista, A., Buskey, E., Davis, M., Leinen, M., Subramanian, V., Spitz, Y.. 2015Our Virtual Global Estuary. CERF 2015: Grand Challenges in Estuarine & Coastal Science: Securing our Future. November 12, 2015. Portland, OR
Year: 2016
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Baptista, A.. 2016Observations in Estuaries. POGO Plenary Meeting (POGO-17). January 27, 2016. Yokohama, Japan
Year: 2009
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Bandolin, N., Wilkin, M., Rathmell, K J., Baptista, A.M.. 2009Towards long-term time series of sediment concentrations in the Columbia River. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation 20th Biennial Conference. November 2, 2009. Portland, OR
Anthony, S., Prahl, F.G. 2009Seasonal Variation in Willamette River Dissolved Methane Concentrations. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation 20th Biennial Conference. November 2, 2009. Portland, OR
Year: 2008
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Bandolin, N., Baptista, A.M.. 2008The Current State of Coastal Observation Networks. Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science National Conference. October 9, 2008. Salt Lake City, UT
Year: 2007
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Anderson, E., Callahan, S.. 2007Hardware-Assisted Point-Based Volume Rendering of Tetrahedral Meshes. SIBGRAPI 2007 - Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing. July 11, 2007. Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Anderson, E., Callahan, S.. 2007VisTrails: Using Provenance to Streamline Data Exploration. International Workshop on Data Integration in the Life Sciences (DILS). June 27, 2007. Philadelphia, PA
