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Presentations by CMOP Members

Year: 2010
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Simon, H.M., Baptista, A.M., Smit, M.W.. 2010 Impedimetric Label-Free Sensing of DNA Hybridization in Real Time for Rapid, PCR-Based Detection of Microorganisms in the Environment. Ocean Sciences Meeting. February 22, 2010. Portland, OR
Smit, M.. 2010Impedimetric Platform for Pathogen Detection. Next Generation Diagnostics. August 24, 2010. Washington, DC
Smit, M.W.. 2010Microarray Analysis of Bacterial and Archaeal Gene Expression Associated in the Columbia River Coastal Margin. American Society for Microbiology. May 24, 2010. San Diego, CA
Smit, M.W.. 2010Microarray Analysis of Microbial Gene Expression Associated with Nitrogen Cycling in the Columbia River Coastal Margin. 13th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology. August 23, 2010. Seattle, WA
Smythe, W.F., Davis, R.E., Tebo, B.M.. 2010Environmental Biogenic Manganese Oxidation: Examination Of A Hot Spring. American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) National Conference. November 11, 2010. Albuquerque, NM
Smythe, W.F., Dohnalkova, A., Tebo, B.M. . 2010Manganese Oxides and Associated Manganese Oxidizing Bacteria. 13th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology. August 23, 2010. Seattle, WA
Smythe, W.F., Hugo, R., Walsh, S., Young, B., Betcher, M., Haygood, M., Cady, S.L.. 2010Geoscience Education Research: Engaging Native Alaskan Students And Their Community. Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science. September 29, 2010. Anaheim, CA
Year: 2008
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Simon, H.M., Nurmi, J.T.. 2008Combined Geochemical and Molecular Analyses of Crenarchaeal Assemblages in Columbia River Sediments. American Society for Microbiology General Meeting. July 1, 2008. Boston, MA
Year: 2011
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Simon, H.M., Smith, M. Herfort, L., Campbel, V., Tyrol,, K., Zeigler, L. Allen, A. , Suciu, D. . 2011Archaea in the Columbia River Coastal Margin. Gordon Research Conference. August 1, 2011. Waterville Valley, NH
Slasor, L.A., Needoba, J.A., Koch, C.. 2011Spectral fluorescence study of the degradation of crude oil mixed with seawater.  American Chemical Society Division of Environmental Chemistry 242nd ACS National Meeting. August 29, 2011. Denver, CO
Smythe, S.R.K., Smythe, W.F. . 2011Iron Oxidizing Bacteria. American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) National Conference. November 10, 2011. St. Paul, MN
Smythe, W.F.. 2011Incorporating Traditional Ecological Knowledge into Geoscience Education. Southeast Alaska Environmental Conference. June 27, 2011. Juneau, AK
Smythe, W.F.. 2011Incorporating Traditional Ecological Knowledge Into Geoscience Education. Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians (ATNI) 58th Annual Conference . September 19, 2011. Tulalip, WA
Smythe, W.F., Christianson, A.D. . 2011Contaminated sites in & around Hydaburg Alaska. Southeast Alaska Environmental Conference. June 27, 2011. Juneau, AK
Smythe, W.F., McAllister, S.M, Davis, R.E., Lee, S-W, and Tebo, B.M.. 2011Iron & Manganese Depositing Cold-Seeps: A Lotic to Marine Ecosystem At Soda Bay, Alaska. STC Directors Meeting. September 13, 2011. Lawrence, KS
Smythe, W.F., McAllister, S.M, Davis, R.E., Lee, S-W, Tebo, B.M. . 2011Iron & Manganese Depositing Cold-Seeps: A Lotic to Marine Ecosystem At Soda Bay, Alaska. American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) National Conference. November 10, 2011. St. Paul, MN
Smythe, W.F., McAllister, S.M., Hugo, R. Baptista, A. M.. 2011Incorporating Traditional Ecological Knowledge into Geoscience Education. Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians (ATNI) Meeting. March 11, 2011. Marysville , WA
Year: 2012
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Simon, H.M., Smith, M.W., Maier, M.A., Suciu, D., Peterson, T.D., Bradstreet, T., Nakayama, J.. 2012Use Of A High Resolution Microarray Assay And Integrated Sumscore Data Analysis To Assess Taxonomic Diversity Of Pseudo-Nitzschia Spp. (Bacillariophyceae). Ocean Sciences Meeting. February 20, 2012. Salt Lake City, UT
Smythe, L.F.R., Eaton, C., Smythe, W.F., Remple, K., Tebo, B.M., Baptista, A.M.. 2012Ocean Acidification And Its Effects On Marine Life. American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) National Conference. November 1, 2012. Anchorage, Alaska
Smythe, W.F.. 2012Incorporating Traditional Ecological Knowledge into Geoscience Education. Ecological Society of America. August 6, 2012. Portland, OR
Smythe, W.F., Hugo R. . 2012Geoscience Education. American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) Regional Conference. April 12, 2012. Portland, OR
Smythe, W.F., Kadake, M., McAllister, S.M., Davis, R., Lee S.W., Moyer, C., Baptista, A.M., Tebo. B.M.. 2012Iron- and Manganese-Depositing Cold-Seeps: A Lotic To Marine Ecosystem at Soda Bay, Alaska. SACNAS National Conference. October 11, 2012. Seattle, WA
Smythe, W.F., McAllister, S.M., Davis, R., Lee S.W., Moyer, C., Baptista, A.M., Tebo, B.M.. 2012Iron & Manganese Depositing Cold-Seeps At Soda Bay Alask. American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) National Conference. November 1, 2012. Anchorage, Alaska
Year: 2015
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Simon, HM, L Herfort, C Seaton, MJ Wilkins, and António M. Baptista. 2015Autonomous Adaptive Sampling Of Microbial Processes In A Dynamic Estuary. 10th Annual DOE Joint Genome Institute Genomics of Energy and Environment Meeting. March 24, 2015. Walnut Creek, CA
Smith, M., Herfort, L., Crump, B., Fine, L., Simon, H.. 2015Defining relationships between physical forcing and microbial population dynamics in the Columbia River estuary. CERF 2015. November 11, 2015. Portland, OR
Year: 2014
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Smith MW, Davis, RE, Youngblut, ND, Whitaker, RJ, Metcalf, WW, Herfort, L, Tebo, BM, and Simon, HM. 2014A metagenomic analysis of sediments from three diverse lateral bay regions in the lower Columbia River estuary. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting (JASM) 2014. May 21, 2014. Portland, OR
Year: 2009
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Smith, M.W., Herfort, L., Campbell, V., Tyrol, K., Crump, B.C., Zuber, P., Simon, H.M.. 2009Microarray Analysis of Microbial Gene Expression in Columbia River Estuary, Plume and Coastal Ocean. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation 20th Biennial Conference. November 2, 2009. Portland, OR
Year: 2013
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Smith, S.R., Heal, K.R., Amano, Amano-Sato, Coale, C.T., Dinasquet, J., Fischer, A., Golda, R. , Johnson, W., Lopes, A., Rodríguez-Martínez, M.R., Saunders, J.K., Shoemaker, K., Šilovic, T., Smythe, W.F., Sosa, O, Vick-Majors, T. . 2013High resolution sampling reveals light-driven fluctuation in microbial biomass and activities at Station ALOHA. ASLO National Conference. February 18, 2013. New Orleans, LA
Smith, S.R., Heal, K.R., Amano, Amano-Sato, Coale, C.T., Dinasquet, J., Fischer, A., Goulda, R. , Johnson, W., Lopes, A., Rodríguez-Martínez, M.R., Saunders, J.K., Shoemaker, K., Šilovic, T., Smythe, W.F., Sosa, O, Vick-Majors, T. . 2013Photosynthetic Parameters Over Hourly and Daily Timescales Shed Lighon on Population Stability at Station ALOHA. ASLO National Conference. February 18, 2013. New Orleans, LA
Smythe, W.F., Kadake, M., McAllister, S.M., Lee S.W., Moyer, C., Baptista, A.M., Tebo, B.M.. 2013 Iron and Manganese-Depositing Cold-Seeps: A Lotic To Marine Ecosystem. ASLO National Conference. February 18, 2013. New Orleans, LA
