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Columbia River
US Fish and Wildlife dock
46°14.4’N 123°28.2'W
Type: Endurance physical station
Active: January 2003 – Present
Instrument Depth: 0.1m (below NGVD29)
Monitoring Purpose: Provides continuous monitoring of baseline parameters.
Network Significance: Tenasillahe Island is located at the upper limit of salt intrusion in the estuary; data is critical for characterizing long-term temporal and spatial gradients and seasonal changes in the upper estuary.
Design: The fixed station is built near the bank of the river at a USFW dock. Sensor is deployed at 0.1m.
Sensor set:
Long-term sensors | Measurement | Depth |
CT | Salinity, Temperature | 0.1m |
Instrumentation set is subject to change based on research needs Third-party requests for sensor deployment welcome, pending logistics and funding availability. |
Development State: Experimental
Power: via solar panel/12v battery
Installed and operated by: Oregon Health & Science University
Data Availability: Tenasillahe Island observations are available through the Internet both (1) in near real-time as raw data and (2) with a lag time of about one month as quality controlled data. All data from the SATURN observation network is available through both (1) the CMOP Data Center and (2) NANOOS, the Pacific Northwest regional federation of NOAA's Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS).
Data is openly available, pursuant of the disclaimer below:
Disclaimer: All data are collected as a part of a scientific project, and are provided “as is,” without explicit or implicit warranty of accuracy or suitability for any purpose. User is fully responsible for using the data, and should ensure suitable quality assessment prior to use. Data should not be used in any situation involving the possibility of loss of life or injury, loss of property or financial loss.
QA/QC Protocols: QA/QC for Time, Temperature, and Salinity. Protocols for other variables are in development.
People | ||
Field operations | Data flow management | Specialty sensor management |
Michael Wilkin (Team Leader) Katie Rathmell Greta Klungness |
Dr. David Hansen (Team Leader) Paul Turner Charles Seaton Alex Jaramillo |
Scientific Direction: Dr. Antonio Baptista |
Tenasillahe Island is maintained as core CMOP infrastructure via a National Science Foundation (NSF) cooperative agreement. The Murdoch Charitable Trust provided major instrumentation support and the station is operated by OHSU. All SATURN stations contribute data to the Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing Systems (NANOOS).
Credits: We recommend the following citation for all publications using CMOP data: "This study utilized data collected at the SATURN observation network, operated by the Center for Coastal Margin Observation & Prediction (CMOP), under the direction of Dr. Antonio Baptista and with support from the National Science Foundation (OCE-0424602), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA Fisheries and NANOOS), U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bonneville Power Administration, Office of Naval Research, and the M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust."
Station: Tenasillahe Island (USFW dock)
Year | MSL Depth |
Variable | N Recorded | N After QA | N Possible Records |
% Possible | % After QA |
2003 | .10 | salinity | 467757 | 0 | 518400 | 90.2 | 0.0 |
2003 | .10 | temperature | 467757 | 467757 | 518400 | 90.2 | 90.2 |
2003 | .10 | water level | 467757 | 467757 | 518400 | 90.2 | 90.2 |
2004 | .10 | salinity | 423681 | 0 | 527040 | 80.4 | 0.0 |
2004 | .10 | temperature | 423681 | 423679 | 527040 | 80.4 | 80.4 |
2004 | .10 | water level | 423681 | 423681 | 527040 | 80.4 | 80.4 |
2005 | .10 | salinity | 440167 | 0 | 525600 | 83.7 | 0.0 |
2005 | .10 | temperature | 440167 | 439729 | 525600 | 83.7 | 83.7 |
2005 | .10 | water level | 440167 | 440167 | 525600 | 83.7 | 83.7 |
2006 | .10 | salinity | 402358 | 0 | 525600 | 76.6 | 0.0 |
2006 | .10 | temperature | 402358 | 402358 | 525600 | 76.6 | 76.6 |
2006 | .10 | water level | 402358 | 402358 | 525600 | 76.6 | 76.6 |
2007 | .10 | salinity | 404808 | 0 | 525600 | 77.0 | 0.0 |
2007 | .10 | temperature | 404808 | 404808 | 525600 | 77.0 | 77.0 |
2007 | .10 | water level | 404808 | 404808 | 525600 | 77.0 | 77.0 |
2008 | .10 | salinity | 422718 | 0 | 527040 | 80.2 | 0.0 |
2008 | .10 | temperature | 422718 | 422718 | 527040 | 80.2 | 80.2 |
2008 | .10 | water level | 422718 | 422718 | 527040 | 80.2 | 80.2 |
2009 | .10 | salinity | 280993 | 0 | 496256 | 56.6 | 0.0 |
2009 | .10 | temperature | 280993 | 280993 | 496256 | 56.6 | 56.6 |
2009 | .10 | water level | 280993 | 276327 | 496256 | 56.6 | 55.7 |
The preceding table was generated by computing the number of possible samples per year across all instrument deployments at a given station and depth.
- MSL depth is the NGVD29 depth of the instrument deployments in meters. Several stations have had multiple simultaneous deployments at varying depths, e.g. red26 and am169.
- The three physical variables observed are salinity, temperature, and pressure expressed as depth. Not all instruments have pressure sensors and a small number (e.g. Woody Island) do not have conductivity sensors for determining salinity.
- The 'N Recorded' column gives the number of data records retrieved from the deployment(s) and includes data received from telemetry and data downloaded from the instruments internal recorder. Not all instruments have internal recorders so records received are from telemetry only.
- The 'N After QA' column is the number of records for each physical variable that survived quality control procedures. Salinity is most sensitive to biofouling and is the variable most likely to fail quality control tests.
- The 'N Possible Records' is the number of records that could be seen given the length of cumulative deployments and the sample rate for each deployment.
- The '% Possible' column is the percentage of actual records retrieved. The 'N/A' indicates possible problems in the database such as an incorrect sampling rate or computational issues with this application that need further investigation.
- The '% After QA' column is the percentage of records surviving quality control procedures. The 'N/A' indicates possible problems in the database such as an incorrect sampling rate or computational issues with this application that need further investigation.