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WEEK 9 (2009)

I cannot believe this internship is coming to an end! I spent this last week wrapping up my project at the bench: I extracted DNA from B.pacifica one last time and amplified genes that will reveal the identity of the bryozoan we are working with. This is being done to be sure that we are, in fact, working with B.pacifica and not a similar bryozoan of the Bugula spp. I sent those sequences off on Monday (7/27/09) and those results should come back to us by the end of the week (just in time to throw it into my presentation/paper!) 

Besides working on the bench, I spent a lot of time at the computer: I wrote the paper due at the end of the 10 weeks and made my powerpoint presentation. I also spent a lot of time modifying the images I took of B.pacifica because the two main colors in the pictures were green and red! This would make it difficult for anyone who is colorblind to see the important components of the image. In order to include my entire audience (both readers of the paper and listeners of my presentation), I changed colors of the images and uploaded them all into my presentation.

One week to go!

Goals for next week:
- Finish powerpoint
- Give a practice talk to my mentor and other lab members
- Finalize my paper
- Give my final presentation
- Say goodbye to everyone!