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Week 3 & 4: completed first activities, attended the ASE conference & EARTH workshop

These two weeks have been very successful and fun. I completed the three activities Grant gave me to translate. Week 3 was really short though, we had Monday off due to the holiday and Friday too for the ASE interns because we went to OSU for our mid summer conference.

The ASE conference was full of activities to do. I went to two workshops and three seminars (one about the symposium, about college and the other about sustainabilty). I had the oportunity to learn about the gulf oil spill and methods to clean it up. I also learned about diapers and what's inside of them. It was quite interesting! The second workshop was about the biomechanics of human movement. At the conference I got the chance to hang out with my friend who works with rats at OHSU. It was interesting listening about her project, though I was quite disgusted because I strongly dislike rats. Good thing my intenship doesn't involve any of that! Overall it was a good day but I was super tired at the end.

7/12/2010: Sierra, Julia and I gave presentations to the teachers from the EARTH workshop. At first I was so nervous because there were so many of them listening and only one of me talking. At the end it was fine and I enjoyed the teachers asking us questions about things we would like them to do and things we don't like. I was quite pleased when I heard that they liked our presentations and our advice. We stayed at the workshop for a little longer to have lunch and listen to Ari Daniel Shapiro talk about science stories.

7/13/2010: The three of us tagged along with the EARTH workshop teachers to go to Astoria. There, Katie and Michael gave a talk about Phoebe and drifters. All of us had the opportunity to help assemble a difter and see how it collects the data. Charles also talked about the CMOP website and how to access data. It was a long drive to and from there but it was worth it because I enjoyed every second of it.
