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CMOP Wecoma Cruise -- update 4/11

We left the dock at 10am on schedule.  The 40 knot wind from the night before has dramatically decreased.  There remains sigificant swell, however we were able to successfully launch the buoy Alder at the NH-10 site.  It was even a sunny day!  The buoy is called by cell phone every 3 hours and data are downloaded from some of the instrumentation.

In the early afternoon we began to do CTD casts along the NH line going westward from NH-10.  Casts were made at NH-10, 15, 20, 25, 35, 45.  Water samples were taken at some these stations.  Also some net tows were done--vertical and bongo.

At about 10pm after the casts we will head north to recover moorings at both OGI-01 and SATURN-02.  We should be on station by 7am and get to work straightaway after breakfast.

All for now,