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18 September Research Cruise
The water sampling team worked the early AM hours processing water from deep CTD casts at NH-55. We continued to enjoy calm seas as we worked inshore along the Newport Hydrographic line, completing stations NH-45 and NH-35 before water sampling and primary production experiments at NH-20. Following NH-20, we did CTDs at NH-25, NH-15, NH-10, NH-5, and NH-3. In addition to the samples from NH-20, water samples were obtained at NH-10 and NH-3.
Our track along the NH line crossed the cool filament that has extended offshore during the past week, with greater than 2 degree C surface temperature gradients at the boundaries
See the SST and Chl images at the OrCOOS site
Following the NH line sampling, we moved north to the inshore end of the Cascade Head (CH) line and sampled CH-2, CH-5, and CH-10. The Cape Meares (CM) line followed, with CTDs through the evening at CM-1, CM-3, CM-5, and CM-10. While there was intermittent overcast during the day, we enjoyed good views of the Oregon coast as we sampled the inshore stations along these transects.