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Week 4 - NSF Visit and the Bug-Fixes

 This week has been mostly bug fixes. Charles attempted to use my annotation interface and would a few problems that I have been remedying. It appears that the test data that I was working with had different properties than some of the other data. This resulted in the interface sometimes failing to grab the deployment id. Without the deployment id the interface had no way to get previous comments on the data or make new comments. I'm not entirely sure what the problem was but I rewrote the code that turned station, offering, and variable names into deployment ids and it seems to work now.

Another problem, this one I noticed, was that for certain time scales (usually very small ones) a similar problem occurred. I think this had something to do with how I was requesting deployment ids. A specific station, offering, and variable combination can have multiple deployment ids based on time ranges (I'm fairly sure this corresponds to physical instruments being replaced). The way I was narrowing down which deployment ids corresponded to the data the user was looking at appeared to be faulty. To fix this, mostly, I moved the time check from SQL into PHP which made debugging easier and then tried a few different methods until I got one that seems to work.