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CMOP Research Presented at 2011 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting
02/14/2011 Portland, Ore.
The American Society for Limnology and Oceanography is holding its biennial ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico on February 13-18, 2011. Scientists from around the world will converge to discuss emerging science on Limnology and Oceanography in a Changing World. The goal of this conference is to bring together an international group of freshwater and marine scientists to meet the challenge of global change, exploring diversity and connections across the range of aquatic systems impacted by humans.
CMOP research being presented at the conference include:
Feb. 14
Antonio Baptista, Collaboratory-Enabled Ecological Forecasts
Caroline Fortunato, Spatial And Temporal Variability Of Bacterioplankton Communities Across A River To Ocean Gradient Assessed With Tag Pyrosequencing
Melissa Gilbert, High Resolution In Situ Study Of Nutrient Loading And Estuarine Response In The Columbia River
Corey Koch, In-Situ Tracking Of Oil From The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Using Spectral Fluorescence
Feb. 16
Antonio Baptista, Bringing Together Tribal And Quantitative Oceanographic Perspectives In A Scientific Framework For Coastal Margins
Feb. 17
Andrew Barnard, Performance Validation Of The Cycle-Po4, An Instrument For In-Situ And Long-Term Orthophosphate Monitoring