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Navigating Oceans of Data. 7338:1-19.
2012. Advancing coastal ocean modelling, analysis, and prediction for the US Integrated Ocean Observing System. Journal of Operational Oceanography. :1-12.
2017. Bandwidth Selection and Reconstruction Quality in Point-Based Surfaces. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 15(4):572-582.
2009. Coastal Margin Science and Education in the Era of Collaboratories. Currents. 28(3)
2013. CoastColour Round Robin data sets: A database to evaluate the performance of algorithms for the retrieval of water quality parameters in coastal waters. Earth System Science Data. 7(2):319-348.
2015. Confidence levels for tsunami-inundation limits in northern Oregon inferred from a 10,000-year history of great earthquakes at the Cascadia subduction zone. Natural Hazards. 54(1):27-73.
2009. Confidence levels for tsunami-inundation limits in northern Oregon inferred from a 10,000-year history of great earthquakes at the Cascadia subduction zone. Natural Hazards. 54(1):27-73.
2009. Deciphering ocean carbon in a changing world. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113(12):3143-3151.
2016. Fast and Adaptive Indexing of Multi-Dimensional Observational Data. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. 9(14):1683-1694.
2016. A fully coupled wave-current model on unstructured grids. Journal of Geophysical Research.
2012. Genomic and phenotypic differentiation among Methanosarcina mazei populations from Columbia River sediment. ISME J. 10 March 2015
2015. Genomic and phenotypic differentiation among Methanosarcina mazei populations from Columbia River sediment. ISME J. 10 March 2015
2015. Gonadal tissue color is not a reliable indicator of sex in rocky intertidal mussels. Aquatic Biology. 3:63-70.
2008. The influence of the Columbia River plume on the survival of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha): a numerical exploration. Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences. 67(10):1671-1684.
2010. Infrastructure for collaborative science and societal applications in the Columbia River estuary. Frontiers of Earth Science. 9(4):659-682.
2015. A large-volume micro-filtration system for isolating suspended particulate organic matter from seawater: fabrication and assessment of recovery and composition vs. GFF filters from central N. Pacific. Limnology and Oceanography Methods. 7:64-80.
2009. Metagenomic evidence for reciprocal particle exchange between the mainstream estuary and lateral bay sediments of the lower Columbia River. Frontiers in Microbiology. 6:1074.
2015. Monitoring Oregon Coastal Harmful Algae: Observations and implications of a harmful algal bloom-monitoring project. Harmful Algae. 50:32-44.
2015. Monitoring Oregon Coastal Harmful Algae: Observations and implications of a harmful algal bloom-monitoring project. Harmful Algae. 50:32-44.
2015. Monitoring Oregon Coastal Harmful Algae: Observations and implications of a harmful algal bloom-monitoring project. Harmful Algae. 50:32-44.
2015. Myrionecta rubra population genetic diversity and its cryptophyte chloroplast specificity in recurrent red tides in the Columbia River estuary. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 62
2011. Nitrogen fixation in the Gulf of California and the Eastern Tropical North Pacific. Progress in Oceanography.
2012. Nonlinear Tsunami-Tide Interaction in 1964 Prince William Sound. Ocean Modeling.
2011. Optimizing fixed observational assets in a coastal observatory. Continental Shelf Research. 28(19):2644-2658.
2008. A Provenance-Based Infrastructure to Support the Life Cycle of Executable Papers. Procedia Computer Science. 4:648-657.
2011. Reconstructing hydrodynamic flow parameters of the 1700 tsunami at Cannon Beach, Oregon, USA.. Natural Hazards. 63(1)
2012. Satellite-based detection and monitoring of phytoplankton blooms along the Oregon Coast. Journal of Geophysical Research. 117(12)
2012. Seasonal Variability and Estuary-Shelf Interactions in Circulation Dynamics of a River-dominated Estuary. Estuaries and Coasts . 31
2008. Tsunami–tide interaction in 1964 Prince William Sound tsunami. Ocean Modelling.
2011. Use of continuous, real-time observations & model simulations to achieve autonomous, adaptive sampling of microbial processes with a robotic sampler. Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods. 14(1):50-67.
2016. A Very Smart Kayak .... Currents. 28(3)
2013. A Very Smart Kayak .... Currents. 28(3)
2013. Data Like This: Ranked Search of Genomic Data. ExploreDB.
2015. Data Like This: Ranked Search of Genomic Data. ExploreDB.
2015. iRun: Interactive Rendering of Large Unstructured Grids.. 7th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization.
2007. Insights Into Microbial Phosphorus Cycling In The Columbia River Estuary. Division of Environmental & Biomolecular Systems. Doctor of Philosophy