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An adaptive framework for visualizing unstructured grids with time-varying scalar fields. Parallel Computing. 33(6):391-405.
2007. Direct Volume Rendering: A 3D Plotting Technique for Scientific Data. Computing in Science & Engineering. 10(1):88-92.
2008. Provenance for Visualizations: Reproducibility and Beyond. Computing in Science & Engineering. 9(5):82-89.
2007. Robust Soft Shadow Mapping with Backprojection and Depth Peeling. Journal of Graphics, GPU and Game Tools. 13
2008. Tackling the Provenance Challenge one layer at a time. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 20(5):473-483.
2008. Transfer-Function Specification for Rendering Disparate Volumes. Computing in Science & Engineering. 10(6):82-89.
2008. VisComplete: Automating Suggestions for Visualization Pipelines. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 14(6):1691-1698.
2008. iRun: Interactive Rendering of Large Unstructured Grids.. 7th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization.