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Confidence levels for tsunami-inundation limits in northern Oregon inferred from a 10,000-year history of great earthquakes at the Cascadia subduction zone. Natural Hazards. 54(1):27-73.
2009. A cross-scale numerical modeling system for management support of oil spill accidents. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 80(1-2):132-147.
2014. An Efficient and Robust Tsunami Model on Unstructured Grids. Part I: Inundation Benchmarks. Pure and Applied Geophysics. 165(11-12):2229-2248.
2008. Estimation of ecologically significant circulation features of the Columbia River estuary and plume using a reduced-dimension Kalman filter. Continental Shelf Research. 29(2):456-466.
2009. A fully coupled wave-current model on unstructured grids. Journal of Geophysical Research.
2012. Nonlinear Tsunami-Tide Interaction in 1964 Prince William Sound. Ocean Modeling.
2011. Reconstructing hydrodynamic flow parameters of the 1700 tsunami at Cannon Beach, Oregon, USA.. Natural Hazards. 63(1)
2012. Seasonal and interannual variability of the Columbia River plume: A perspective enabled by multiyear simulation databases. Journal of Geophysical Research. 115(C00B16)
2010. SELFE: A semi-implicit Eulerian–Lagrangian finite-element model for cross-scale ocean circulation. Ocean Modelling. 21(3-4):71-96.
2008. Sensitivity analysis of an ecological model applied to the Ria de Aveiro.. Journal of Coastal Research. (Special Issue 56):448-452.
2009. Three-dimensional modeling of the lower trophic levels in the Ria de Aveiro (Portugal). Ecological Modelling. 220(9-10):1274-1290.
2009. Tsunami–tide interaction in 1964 Prince William Sound tsunami. Ocean Modelling.