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Uniform and Adaptive (Re) Meshing of Surfaces. Computer Science. Ph.D. Dissertation
2009. Towards national estuarine modeling and characterization/classification systems: a pilot study for Coos Bay. Division of Environmental & Biomolecular Systems. Masters Thesis
2007. Spatial and temporal variability of bacterioplankton communities across river to ocean environmental gradients. University of Maryland.
2012. Simplifying the Creation and Deployment of Collaborative Data Analysis and Visualization Tools. School of Computing. Ph.D. Dissertation
2010. Sediment dynamics in an energetic estuary. Division of Environmental & Biomolecular Systems. Doctor of Philosophy
2017. Scalable and Efficient Tasking for Dynamic Sensor Networks. Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science
2011. Ranked Similarity Search of Scientific Datasets: An Information Retrieval Approach. Computer Science. Doctor of Philosophy Dissertation
2014. Phytoplankton dynamics in off-channel habitats of the lower Columbia River estuary. Division of Environmental & Biomolecular Systems. Master of Science
2015. Nutrient Loading and Transformations in the Columbia River Estuary Determined by High Resolution In Situ Sensors. Division of Environmental & Biomolecular Systems. Masters
2011. Numerical simulations of large river plumes in the Pacific Northwest. Division of Environmental & Biomolecular Systems. Master of Science
2006. Managing Provenance for Knowledge Discovery and Reuse. School of Computing. Doctor of Philosophy
2012. Investigation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) transport by Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) in the lower Columbia River and its Estuary. College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences. Masters Thesis
2009. Insights Into Microbial Phosphorus Cycling In The Columbia River Estuary. Division of Environmental & Biomolecular Systems. Doctor of Philosophy
2017. Inorganic Carbon-Assimilating Microbial Communities in the Pacific Northwest Coastal Margin. Division of Environmental & Biomolecular Systems. Doctor of Philosophy
2013. Enabling Technologies for Data Assimilation in a Coastal-Margin Observatory. Division of Environmental & Biomolecular Systems. Ph.D. Dissertation
2007. Ecology and diversity of heterotrophic protists in the Columbia River coastal margin. Division of Environmental & Biomolecular Systems. Doctor of Philosophy
2014. Development of novel impedimetric assays for rapid detection of E. coli. Division of Environmental & Biomolecular Systems. Master of Science
2013. The Columbia River estuary and plume: natural variability, anthropogenic change and physical habitat for salmon. Division of Environmental & Biomolecular Systems. Ph.D. Dissertation
2009. Characterization of the metabolic properties and ecological functions of Thaumarchaeota in terrestrial environments. Division of Environmental & Biomolecular Systems. Doctor of Philosophy
2013. Change in variability in the Columbia River estuary: a habitat perspective. Division of Environmental & Biomolecular Systems. Doctor of Philosophy
2017. Biomineralization in extreme iron and manganese depositing environments. Division of Environmental & Biomolecular Systems. Doctor of Philosophy
2015. Biogeochemical and Molecular Biological Characterization of Nitrogen Cycle Processes in the Columbia River and Estuary. Division of Environmental and Biomolecular Systems. Masters Thesis
2011. Assessing The Influence Of Environmental Ph On Algal Physiology Using A Novel Culture System. Division of Environmental & Biomolecular Systems. Doctor of Philosophy
2017. Applications of Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Monitoring Water Quality in an Urban Watershed. Division of Environmental & Biomolecular Systems. Masters
2011. The Analysis and Visualization of Electroencephalography Data Using a Provenance-Enabled Environment and its Applications to Visualization. Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science
2011. Above and Below: Oregon Coastal Phytoplankton Bloom Dynamics from Sea and Space. Oceanography. Doctor of Philosophy
2016. When big data leads to lost data. Proceedings of the 5th Ph.D. workshop on Information and knowledge - PIKM '12. :1.
2012. Template-based quadrilateral meshing. Shape Modeling International (SMI) Conference 2011 . (3):471-482.
2011. Taming the Metadata Mess. 29th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering.
2013. Smoothing the ROI Curve for Scientific Data Management Applications. Third Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR).
2007. Scientific Mashups: Runtime-Configurable Data Product Ensembles. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference, SSDBM 2009. 5566:19-36.
2009. Robust Smooth Feature Extraction from Point Clouds. IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications 2007 (SMI '07). :123-136.
2007. RIDA: A Robust Information-Driven Compression Architecture for Irregular Wireless Sensor Networks.. European Conference on Sensor Networks (EWSN).
2007. Querying and re-using workflows with VsTrails. ACM SIGMOD international Conference on Management of Data.
2008. Quarrying dataspaces: Schemaless profiling of unfamiliar information sources. 2008 IEEE 24th International Conference on Data Engineeing workshop (ICDE Workshop 2008). :270-277.
2008. The Provenance of Workflow Upgrades. 3rd International Provenance and Annotation Workshop (IPAW) 2010.
2010. PedVis: A Structured, Space-Efficient Technique for Pedigree Visualization. EEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of IEEE Information Visualization 2010). (6)
2010. Near Optimal Sensor Selection in the COlumbia RIvEr (CORIE) Observation Network for Data Assimilation Using Genetic Algorithms. International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS). 4549:253-266.
2007. Managing the Forecast Factory. 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW'06). :64-64.
2006. iRun: Interactive Rendering of Large Unstructured Grids.. 7th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization.
2007. Interactive Vector Field Feature Identification. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2010).
2010. Finding Haystacks with Needles: Ranked Search for Data Using Geospatial and Temporal Characteristics. 23rd Scientific and Statistical Database Management Conference.
2011. End-to-End eScience: Integrating Workflow, Query, Visualization, and Provenance at an Ocean Observatory. 2008 IEEE Fourth International Conference on eScience (eScience). :127-134.
2008. Enabling Advanced Visualization Tools in a Web-Based Simulation Monitoring System. 2009 5th IEEE International Conference on e-Science (e-Science)2009 Fifth IEEE International Conference on e-Science. :358-365.
2009. Ecosystem Modeling of the Oregon Shelf: Everything but the Kitchen Sink. Interdisciplinary Studies on Environmental Chemistry. 5
2011. .
2015. Data Like This: Ranked Search of Genomic Data. ExploreDB.
2015. CrowdLabs: Social Analysis and Visualization for the Sciences. 23rd International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM). 6809
2011. CoTrack: A Framework for Tracking Dynamic Features with Static and Mobile Sensors. INFOCOM, 2010 Proceedings IEEE . :1-5.
2010. Challenges for Dataset Search (keynote). International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications. 8421
2014. Automatically Extracting Form Labels. Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE 24th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2008). :1498-1500.
2008. Watershed Urbanization Linked to Differences in Stream Bacterial Community Composition. Front. Microbiol.. 8:1452.
2017. Water age in the Columbia River estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 183(Part A):249-259.
2016. VisMashup: Streamlining the Creation of Custom Visualization Applications. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 15(6):1539-1546.
2009. VisComplete: Automating Suggestions for Visualization Pipelines. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 14(6):1691-1698.
2008. A Very Smart Kayak .... Currents. 28(3)
2013. Verifiable Visualization for Isosurface Extraction. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 15(6):1227-1234.
2009. Using VisTrails and Provenance for Teaching Scientific Visualization. Computer Graphics Forum. 30(1):75-84.
2011. A User Study of Visualization Effectiveness Using EEG and Cognitive Load. Computer Graphics Forum. 30(3):791-800.
2011. Use of Highly Specific Molecular Markers Reveals Positive Correlation between Abundances of Mesodinium cf. major and its Preferred Prey, Teleaulax amphioxeia, During Red Water Blooms in the Columbia River Estuary. J. Eukaryotic Microbiol..
2017. Use of continuous, real-time observations & model simulations to achieve autonomous, adaptive sampling of microbial processes with a robotic sampler. Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods. 14(1):50-67.
2016. .
2012. Tsunami–tide interaction in 1964 Prince William Sound tsunami. Ocean Modelling.
2011. Transfer-Function Specification for Rendering Disparate Volumes. Computing in Science & Engineering. 10(6):82-89.
2008. A toxic Pseudo-nitzschia bloom in Todos Santos Bay, northwestern Baja California, Mexico. Harmful Algae. 8(3):493-503.
2009. Tidal and diel dynamics of M. major and its specific Teleaulax prey generate red water blooms in the Columbia River estuary. In Preparation.
0. Three-dimensional modeling of the lower trophic levels in the Ria de Aveiro (Portugal). Ecological Modelling. 220(9-10):1274-1290.
2009. Tackling the Provenance Challenge one layer at a time. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 20(5):473-483.
2008. Suspended particulate matter transport of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the lower Columbia River and its estuary. Limnology and Oceanography.
2015. Streaming-Enabled Parallel Dataflow Architecture for Multicore Systems. Computer Graphics Forum. 29(3):1073-1082.
2010. Spline-based feature curves from point-sampled geometry. The Visual Computer. 24(6):449-462.
2008. Spatiotemporal distribution of heterotrophic protists in the Columbia River coastal margin, USA. Rejected at AEM, 2014. Undergoinging revision.
0. Spatial variability overwhelms seasonal patterns in bacterioplankton communities across a river to ocean gradient. ISME Journal. 6:554-563.
2012. Solvent-Extractable Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Biochar: Influence of Pyrolysis Temperature and Feedstock. Environmental Science & Technology. 46(17):9333-9341.
2012. Software Infrastructure for exploratory visualization and data analysis: past, present, and future. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 125:012100.