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Visualization for Data-Intensive Science. The Fourth Paradigm. :153-163.
2011. Development of novel impedimetric assays for rapid detection of E. coli. Division of Environmental & Biomolecular Systems. Master of Science
2013. Red waters of Myrionecta rubra are biogeochemical hotspots for the Columbia River estuary with impacts on primary/secondary productions and nutrient cycles. Estuaries and Coasts.
2012. Tidal and diel dynamics of M. major and its specific Teleaulax prey generate red water blooms in the Columbia River estuary. In Preparation.
0. Myrionecta rubra population genetic diversity and its cryptophyte chloroplast specificity in recurrent red tides in the Columbia River estuary. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 62
2011. Use of continuous, real-time observations & model simulations to achieve autonomous, adaptive sampling of microbial processes with a robotic sampler. Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods. 14(1):50-67.
2016. Protist 18S rRNA gene sequence analysis reveals multiple sources of organic matter to turbidity maxima of the Columbia River estuary. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 438:19-31.
2011. Use of Highly Specific Molecular Markers Reveals Positive Correlation between Abundances of Mesodinium cf. major and its Preferred Prey, Teleaulax amphioxeia, During Red Water Blooms in the Columbia River Estuary. J. Eukaryotic Microbiol..
2017. Factors affecting the bacterial community composition and heterotrophic production of Columbia River estuarine turbidity maxima. MicrobiologyOpen. e522
2017. Myrionecta rubra bloom initiation in the Columbia River estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.
2011. River Influences on Shelf Ecosystems: Introduction and synthesis. Journal of Geophysical Research. 115(C00B17)
2010. Watershed Urbanization Linked to Differences in Stream Bacterial Community Composition. Front. Microbiol.. 8:1452.
2017. Scientific Mashups: Runtime-Configurable Data Product Ensembles. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference, SSDBM 2009. 5566:19-36.
2009. Quarrying dataspaces: Schemaless profiling of unfamiliar information sources. 2008 IEEE 24th International Conference on Data Engineeing workshop (ICDE Workshop 2008). :270-277.
2008. End-to-End eScience: Integrating Workflow, Query, Visualization, and Provenance at an Ocean Observatory. 2008 IEEE Fourth International Conference on eScience (eScience). :127-134.
2008. Smoothing the ROI Curve for Scientific Data Management Applications. Third Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR).
2007. Lessons Learned from a Geoscience Education Program in an Alaska Native Community. Journal of Sustainability Education . 5(2151-7452)
2013. Navigating Oceans of Data. 7338:1-19.
2012. The land/ocean biogeochemical observatory: A robust networked mooring system for continuously monitoring complex biogeochemical cycles in estuaries. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. 6(JUL, July 2008)
2008. Mapping the spatial variability of plankton metabolism using nitrate and oxygen sensors on an autonomous underwater vehicle. Limnology and Oceanography. 53(5 PART 2)
2008. Spatiotemporal distribution of heterotrophic protists in the Columbia River coastal margin, USA. Rejected at AEM, 2014. Undergoinging revision.
0. Application of highly discriminating unique sequence elements of the 28S rRNA gene for determination of protest biogeography. In Preparation.
0. Discovery of a Katablepharis sp. in the Columbia River estuary that is abundant during the spring and bears a unique large ribosomal subunit sequence element. MicrobiologyOpen. 3(5):764-776.
2014. Ecology and diversity of heterotrophic protists in the Columbia River coastal margin. Division of Environmental & Biomolecular Systems. Doctor of Philosophy
2014. Evaluation of a long-term hindcast simulation for the Columbia River estuary. Ocean Modelling. 99:1-14.
2016. Numerical modeling of circulation in high-energy estuaries: A Columbia River estuary benchmark. Ocean Modelling. 88:54-71.
2015. Water age in the Columbia River estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 183(Part A):249-259.
2016. Solvent-Extractable Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Biochar: Influence of Pyrolysis Temperature and Feedstock. Environmental Science & Technology. 46(17):9333-9341.
2012. Numerical simulations of large river plumes in the Pacific Northwest. Division of Environmental & Biomolecular Systems. Master of Science
2006. The Need for Verifiable Visualization. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. 28(5):78-83.
2008. The Provenance of Workflow Upgrades. 3rd International Provenance and Annotation Workshop (IPAW) 2010.
2010. VisComplete: Automating Suggestions for Visualization Pipelines. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 14(6):1691-1698.
2008. A Provenance-Based Infrastructure to Support the Life Cycle of Executable Papers. Procedia Computer Science. 4:648-657.
2011. Managing Provenance for Knowledge Discovery and Reuse. School of Computing. Doctor of Philosophy
2012. Influence of a buoyant river plume on phytoplankton nutrient dynamics: What controls standing stocks and productivity? Journal of Geophysical Research. 114
2009. New Insights into the Controls and Mechanisms of Plankton Productivity on the US West Coast.. Oceanography. 21(4)
2008. Multiple trophic levels fueled by recirculation in the Columbia River plume. Geophysical Research Letters .
2010. Evaluation of a coastal ocean circulation model for the Columbia River plume in summer 2004. Journal of Geophysical Research. 114
2009. Benchmarking an unstructured grid sediment model in an energetic estuary. Ocean Modeling. 110:32-48.
2017. Sediment dynamics in an energetic estuary. Division of Environmental & Biomolecular Systems. Doctor of Philosophy
2017. Prevalence of chytrid parasitism among diatom populations in the lower Columbia River (2009–2013). Freshwater Biology.
2016. Observations of a Diatom Chytrid Parasite in the Lower Columbia River. Northwest Science. 88(3):234-245.
2014. Evaluation of Daphnid Grazing on Microscopic Zoosporic Fungi by Using Comparative Threshold Cycle Quantitative PCR. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 82(13):3868-3874.
2016. Enumeration of Parasitic Chytrid Zoospores in the Columbia River via Quantitative PCR. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 82(13):3857-3867.
2016. Challenges for Dataset Search (keynote). International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications. 8421
2014. CrowdLabs: Social Analysis and Visualization for the Sciences. 23rd International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM). 6809
2011. Monitoring Oregon Coastal Harmful Algae: Observations and implications of a harmful algal bloom-monitoring project. Harmful Algae. 50:32-44.
2015. Satellite-based detection and monitoring of phytoplankton blooms along the Oregon Coast. Journal of Geophysical Research. 117(12)
2012. Above and Below: Oregon Coastal Phytoplankton Bloom Dynamics from Sea and Space. Oceanography. Doctor of Philosophy
2016. A calibration equation for oxygen optodes based on physical properties of the sensing foil. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods.
2014. Data Like This: Ranked Search of Genomic Data. ExploreDB.
2015. Ranked Similarity Search of Scientific Datasets: An Information Retrieval Approach. Computer Science. Doctor of Philosophy Dissertation
2014. Finding Haystacks with Needles: Ranked Search for Data Using Geospatial and Temporal Characteristics. 23rd Scientific and Statistical Database Management Conference.
2011. Data Near Here: Bringing Relevant Data Closer to Scientists. Computing in Science and Engineering,. 15(3):44-53.
2013. Are Datasets Like Documents?: Evaluating Similarity-Based Ranked Search Over Scientific Data IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. (99)
2014. Taming the Metadata Mess. 29th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering.
2013. .
2015. Disentangling bottom-up and top-down effects on survival during early ocean residence in a population of Chinook salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
2013. Assessing the relative importance of local and regional processes on the survival of a threatened salmon population. PLoS ONE. 9(6)
2014. Biogeochemical and Molecular Biological Characterization of Nitrogen Cycle Processes in the Columbia River and Estuary. Division of Environmental and Biomolecular Systems. Masters Thesis
2011. Deciphering ocean carbon in a changing world. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113(12):3143-3151.
2016. CoastColour Round Robin data sets: A database to evaluate the performance of algorithms for the retrieval of water quality parameters in coastal waters. Earth System Science Data. 7(2):319-348.
2015. Method for Quantification of Aquatic Primary Production and Net Ecosystem Metabolism using in situ Dissolved Oxygen Sensors. Molecular Biological Technologies for Ocean Sensing.
2012. Automatically Extracting Form Labels. Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE 24th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2008). :1498-1500.
2008. Fortnightly Tidal Modulations Affect Net Community Production in a Mesotidal Estuary. Estuaries and Coasts. 37(1):91-110.
2014. Development of synthetic salinity from remote sensing for the Columbia River plume. Journal of Geophysical Research. 114
2009. Optical characterization of water masses within the Columbia River Plume. Journal of Geophysical Research. 117(11)
2012. Mixing and biological production at eddy margins in the eastern Gulf of Alaska. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 58
2011. Diatom dynamics in a long-lived mesoscale eddy in the northeast subarctic Pacific Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers.
2012. Associations between Mesodinium rubrum and cryptophyte algae in the Columbia River estuary. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 68(2)
2013. Evolution of the phytoplankton assemblage in a long-lived mesoscale eddy in the eastern Gulf of Alaska. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 424:53-73.
2011. Gonadal tissue color is not a reliable indicator of sex in rocky intertidal mussels. Aquatic Biology. 3:63-70.
2008. High resolution sampling of methane transport in the Columbia River near-field plume: implications for sources and sinks in a river-dominated estuary. Limnology & Oceanography.
2015. NH4-Digiscan: an in situ and laboratory ammonium analyzer for estuarine, coastal and shelf waters. Limnology and Oceanography.
2009. .