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Presentations by CMOP Members

Year: 2010
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McKibben, S.M., Stutton, P.G., Wood, A.M., Biller, G., Eberhart, B.T., Trainer, V.. 2010Predictive Model for Domoic Acid off the Oregon Coast. Ocean Sciences Meeting. February 22, 2010. Portland, OR
McNeil, C.L., Shcherbina, A., Litchendorf, T., Swanson, T., Baptista, A.M., Cho, K., Levine, M.D., Wingard, C.. 2010Observations of internal waves, mixing, and plume dynamics in the vicinity of the Columbia River using AUVs and shipboard echosounder. Ocean Sciences Meeting. February 25, 2010. Portland, OR
Moeller, F.U., Simon, H.M., Needoba, J.A. . 2010Variability of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea in the lower Columbia River Estuary. Ocean Sciences Meeting. February 24, 2010. Portland, OR
Year: 2013
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McNeil, C., Litchtendorf, T.. 2013Use of REMUS 100 in Columbia River studies. APL Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Workshop. August 19, 2013. Seattle, WA
Needoba, J.A., Peterson, T.D., Roegner, C., Baptista, A.M. . 2013Role of Plankton Blooms in Mitigating Hypoxia in the Columbia River Estuary. Coastal & Estuarine Research Federation. November 5, 2013. San Diego, CA
Newton, J., Jewett, L., McLaughlin, K. . 2013Plenary Session: Acidification Impacts on Estuaries. Coastal & Estuarine Research Federation. November 6, 2013. San Diego, CA
Year: 2011
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Megler, V. M., Maier, D.. 2011Data Near Here: Ranked Geospatial-Temporal Search for Scientific Data. 19th Annual GIS in Action Meeting. March 29, 2011. Portland, OR
Megler, V. M., Maier, D.. 2011Needles in Haystacks: Finding Observational Data with Geospatial and Temporal Characteristics. American Association of Geographers Space-Time Symposium. April 13, 2011. Seattle, WA
Megler, V. M., Maier, D.. 2011Needles in Haystacks: Finding Observational Data with Geospatial and Temporal Characteristics. 19th Annual GIS in Action Meeting. March 29, 2011. Portland, OR
Needoba, J.A.. 2011Implementation of a Columbia River coastal observatory for ecosystem research and monitoring. 7th Annual Heceta Head Conference. October 28, 2011. Florence, OR
Needoba, J.A.. 2011New Insights on the Biogeochemistry of the Columbia River from In Situ Sensors. USGS Portland Seminar Series. November 29, 2011. Portland, OR
Year: 2015
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Morrice, K., Baptista, A.M., Karna, T., Lopez, J., Spitz, Y., MacCready, P.. 2015Sensitivity of shelf and estuary circulation simulations to atmospheric forcing and ocean boundary conditions (poster). CERF 2015. November 11, 2015. Portland, OR
Morrice, K.J.. 2015Sensitivity of Shelf and Estuary Circulation Simulations to Atmospheric Forcing and Ocean Boundary Conditions. 14th International workshop on Multi-scale (Un)-structured mesh numerical Modeling for coastal shelf, and global ocean dynamics (IMUM). September 28, 2015. Portland, OR
Morrice, K.J.. 2015Sensitivity of Shelf and Estuary Circulation Simulations to Atmospheric Forcing and Ocean Boundary Conditions. Coastal & Estuarine Research Federation (CERF) 23rd Biennial Conference. November 8, 2015. Portland, OR
Needoba, J.A, Peterson, T.D., Riseman, S., Wilkin, M., Baptista, A.M.. 2015Estuarine Biogeochemical Dynamics of Nutrients and Organic Carbon in the Columbia River: Observing Transformations Using a Biogeochemical Sensor Network. AGU Fall Meeting. December 14, 2015. San Francisco, CA
Needoba, J.A., Baptista, A.M., Wilkin, M., Riseman, S.. 2015Columbia River Estuary Biogeochemical Sensor Network. Ocean Acidification Science Symposium. June 25, 2015. Seattle, WA
Needoba, J.A., Seaton, C., Baptista, A.M.. 2015Time series observations of near shore water conditions in the Columbia River estuary during the 2014-2015 NE Pacific temperature anomaly. Pacific Anomalies Science and Technology Workshop 1. May 5, 2015. La Jolla, CA
Year: 2016
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Morrice, K.J.. 2016Graduate Training in the Age of Collaboratories: A Student’s Perspective. Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans (POGO-17) meeting. January 26, 2016. Yokohama, Japan
Needoba, J.A., Peterson, T.D., Seaton, C., Riseman, S.F., Baptista, A.M.. 2016Anomalous hydrologic and biogeochemical conditions in the Columbia River estuary during 2014-2015. Columbia River Estuary Conference 2016. May 25, 2016. Astoria, Oregon
Year: 2008
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Murphy, D. Herfort, L.. 2008Biogeography of the Dominant Bacterial Taxa Across a Salinity Gradient In the Columbia River Estuary. American Society for Microbiology General Meeting. July 1, 2008. Boston, MA
Needoba, J.A., Baptista, A.M.. 2008Towards an in Situ Biogeochemical Observation Network for the Columbia River Estuary. Columbia River Estuary Conference on Ecosystem Restoration. April 29, 2008. Astoria, OR
Needoba, J.A., Schoen, J. 2008Evaluation of Fluorescent Whitening Agents as Indicators of Anthropogenic Wastewater Discharges in the Columbia River, USA. AGU Chapman Conference. October 20, 2008. Birmingham, UK
Year: 2007
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Myers, E. 2007Evaluation and Transition of a Columbia River Nowcast/Forecast Circulation Model to NOAA’s National Ocean Service. Coastal Zone ‘07. July 23, 2007. Portland, OR
Year: 2014
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Needoba, J.A,, Peterson, T.D., Lerczak, J.A., Watson, S.. 2014Ecological Significance Of Phosphorus Transformations At The River-Ocean Interface Of The Columbia River Estuary. Ocean Sciences Meeting. February 25, 2014. Honolulu, HI
Needoba, J.A. . 2014Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes for the West Coast of North America. West Coast working group Coastal Carbon Synthesis workshop. March 19, 2014. Seattle, WA
Needoba, J.A. . 2014Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes for the West Coast of North America. OCB Coastal Carbon Synthesis Workshop. August 18, 2014. Woods Hole, MA
Needoba, J.A., Peterson, T.D., and Corbett, C.. 2014Monitoring Biogeochemical Cycles in the Columbia River Estuary Using In Situ Sensors. Columbia River Estuary Workshop. May 29, 2014. Astoria, OR
Needoba, J.A., Peterson, T.D., Lerczak, J.A., Watson, S. . 2014Ecological Significance Of Phosphorus Transformations At The River-Ocean Interface Of The Columbia River Estuary. Ocean Sciences Meeting. February 25, 2014. Honolulu, HI
Year: 2009
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Needoba, J.A.. 2009Quantifying coastal nitrate flux and net ecosystem metabolism using in situ chemical sensors. Gordon Research Conference on Chemical Oceanography. August 6, 2009. Tilton School, NH
Year: 2012
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Needoba, J.A., Maier, M.A., Moeller, F.U., Peterson, T.D., Barnard, A.H., Morace, J.L., Baptista, A.M.. 2012Quantifying Net Transport Of River Nutrients And Organic Carbon To The Columbia River Estuary Using In Situ Sensors. Ocean Sciences Meeting. February 21, 2012. Salt Lake City, UT
