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Fredrick Prahl's blog

The Long and Winding Road

Supersucker has now completed two north and two south transits of our transects.  The data keeps streaming in. 

This is th End

my only friend, the End.   Well, not the end. Just the end of Leg1.  Slow start but a good mission overall once we got going. Finished two of the three coastal lines (NH and CR - LP was canned in the name of time).  Got two great REMUS missions in - the vehicles went out, did their back-and-forth, up-and-down thing and came back both times without a hiccup.  Craig says the data are very good indeed...sounds like a brown bag talk to me!  And, made some interesting observations about methane that wiill make Leg2 all the more fun to partake in.

Home, Is Where You Come From

Home, Is What You're Looking For...

We are currently at CR-15 doing a second cast.  It is ~1430 LT and we are hoping to be in the estuary looking for a rendevous with Lydie at ~1800.  We will be picking her up via RHIB from the boat ramp near the Rogue Brewery.  I hope tempatation hasn't gotten the handle on her by then.

And We Are Off

as of 1800, July 29th.  The bow thruster is 'fixed' but nobody can say for sure quite how.  Boards were switched around and around and around and around and voila!  QED.  Cannot be too smug about this situation, however, as the gremlin is still onboard and sure to jump out if given the chance.

A Smile is a Frown

turned upside down.

Decisions, Decisions

The bow thruster problem is beyond the ability of anyone on the ship to solve without the assistance of the systems experts from Seattle. And so, they have been called in. At present, it is uncertain when they will arrive.

Assuming we are able to get it fixed and can set sail by 1000 on Friday, July 30, we have a plan to accomplish enough to make most folks on board happy. Fingers are crossed for this plan and such happiness.

Sitting on the Dock of the Bay

watching the ti(m)e roll away... Well, the skinny is that we are now back at the HMSC dock (~1700, July 27) and there is a significant problem with some aspect of the ship's PLC, or programmable logic control, that commands operation of the bow thruster. The solution is not yet in sight, but they are working diligently on it. In the meantime, we have delayed any consideration of leaving for scientific inquiry purposes until 1000 on Wednesday, July 28. I will BLOG again when I feel I can do more than speak in tongues.

Fred Prahl, Chief Scientist

A False Start

Loading of Wecoma for the July 2010 CMOP cruise got a late start due to an unexpected drydock delay in Portland.  All gear did get loaded and put in place quite quickly thanks to the abundant help of the MarTech group (Dave^2, Toby and Daryl).  Pushed off from the dock 4 or so hours later than originally planned.  On the way out of the estuary, a problem developed with the bow thruster.  Thought it was a problem with the power supply but no luck.  A swap with a spare proved it still doesn't work.  And so, we just made the turn around and are headed back in

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