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This week I began using my new primer, however to my disappointment I haven't had any results. Today I tried out many different concentrations of the DNA template so we will see if this makes a difference!

This week I also got to go sampling! Although it was a long day filled with lots of driving along windy highways, we had a great time! The weather was beautiful and the views and area we were driving through were truly breathtaking.   We even saw several does and a fawn along the highway. Unfortunately, while looking at our samples through the flowcam we didn’t see any Myrionecta like we were hoping.  It was still a successful trip though since I learned how to work the filtering equipment, gather samples and begin the chemical analysis. I have attached the sampling report for the trip.

Other than working with my new primer and sampling I have been preparing 16s and 18s PCR triplicates of samples from the May 24, 2009 cruise in order to clone them next week.  

Microsoft Office document icon 30 june 2009, sampling report.doc151 KB