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7/16 & 7/17

On Thursday all of the high school interns at CMOP were able to attend the Writer's Workshop that Sandra Oster prepared for us. We learned about English for Science and Technology and the different styles of writing that scientists use (scientific and technical). Sandra said that if you want to be a scientist you have to know how to write, that's true because scientists have to write grants and write about their experiments and their findings. The workshop was interesting and it helped me fresh my mind.

On Friday our frontline mentor told us we had to make a presentation about what we have done this week, to be presented to our senior mentor and other CMOP researchers and staff. The four of us (Matthew, Maria, Alma and myself)worked together on the presentation and decided who was going to talk about what part. The presentation went well and I think that we are making progress. I'm not sure what we are doing next week but we are probably going to continue working with MATLAB. Also, Matthew and I are helping Karen make a K-12 Education Page on Facebook, I am looking forward to that. (=