#!/usr/bin/perl # # $Revision: by Grant Law to correctly write boundary classifications # # $Revision: by Joseph Zhang for SMS v10.1 # # Convert SMS grid+boundary to .gr3 format. # # Author - cseaton 01-2005. # # $Log: 2dm2gr3.pl,v $ # Revision 1.4 2005/02/06 16:19:56 pturner # Adjustments to 2dm2gr3.pl to account for case in river names. # # Revision 1.3 2005/01/16 20:21:33 pturner # Working. # # Revision 1.2 2005/01/15 17:04:32 pturner # Changes by cseaton to add support for rivers. Perltidy. # # Revision 2005/01/15 16:54:33 pturner # Forecast NEFS support codes # # if ( @ARGV < 2 ) { print "Usage: $0 [SMS grid file in meter with boundary information] [.gr3 file in meters] [river1] ... [riverN]\n"; print "River name is checked against boundary types.\n"; exit(1); } $file = $ARGV[0]; $outfile = $ARGV[1]; @rivernames = @ARGV[ 2 .. $#ARGV ]; print "$file $outfile\n"; open( IN, "$file" ) || die "Can't open $file\n"; open( OUT, ">$outfile" ) || die "Can't open $outfile\n"; @lines = ; close(IN); $i = 2; # skip first line $elemflag = 'yes'; $elem = ''; print "nlines = " . @lines . "\n"; while ( $elemflag eq 'yes' ) { $tmp = $lines[ $i++ ]; #print $tmp; chomp $tmp; $tmp =~ s/\s+/ /g; $tmp =~ s/^\s//; if ( $tmp =~ /^E(\d)/ ) { $en = $1; @tmp = split ( " ", $tmp ); $elem_num = $tmp[1]; $elem .= "$elem_num $en"; for ( $j = 0 ; $j < $en ; $j++ ) { $elem .= " $tmp[$j+2]"; } $elem .= "\n"; } else { $elemflag = 'no'; --$i; } } print "Finished reading in element info...\n"; $nodeflag = 'yes'; $node = ''; while ( $nodeflag eq 'yes' ) { $tmp = $lines[ $i++ ]; #print $tmp; chomp $tmp; $tmp =~ s/\s+/ /g; $tmp =~ s/^\s//; if ( $tmp =~ /^ND/ ) { @tmp = split ( " ", $tmp ); $node_num = $tmp[1]; $node .= "$node_num $tmp[2] $tmp[3] $tmp[4]\n"; } else { $nodeflag = 'no'; --$i; } } print "Finished reading in node info...\n"; $boundaryflag = 'yes'; @bound = (); @boundlen = (); @boundname = (); @boundtype = (); @boundname_ordered = (); $boundind = 0; $boundind_end = 'no'; $bound[$boundind] = ''; $boundlen[$boundind] = 0; while ( $boundaryflag eq 'yes' ) { $tmp = $lines[ $i++ ]; #print $tmp; chomp $tmp; $tmp =~ s/\s+/ /g; $tmp =~ s/^\s//; if ( $tmp =~ /^NS/ ) { @tmp = split ( " ", $tmp ); if ( $tmp[$#tmp] < 0 ) { $boundind_end = 'yes'; # mark that this will be the end of the boundary #print "Found an end!\n"; $tmp[$#tmp] *= -1; #change sign } for ( $tmpind = 1 ; $tmpind < @tmp ; $tmpind++ ) { #print "$tmpind $tmp[$tmpind]\n"; $bound[$boundind] .= "$tmp[$tmpind]\n"; } $boundlen[$boundind] += $#tmp; if ( $boundind_end eq 'yes' ) { $bound[ ++$boundind ] = ''; $boundlen[$boundind] = 0; $boundind_end = 'no'; } } else { $boundaryflag = 'no'; --$i; } } print "Finished reading in boundary node lists...\n"; while ( $lines[ ++$i ] !~ /BD/ && $i < @lines ) { print $lines[ $i - 1 ] } while ( $lines[$i] !~ /BEG2DMBC/ && $i < @lines ) { $tmp = $lines[ $i++ ]; if ( $tmp =~ /BD/ ) { chomp $tmp; $tmp =~ s/\s+/ /g; $tmp =~ s/^\s//; @tmp = split ( " ", $tmp ); $tmp[2] =~ s/"//g; $boundname[ $tmp[3] - 1 ] = lc($tmp[2]); print "boundary type $tmp[3] assigned name of $boundname[$tmp[3]-1]\n"; } } print "Finished assigning boundary names...\n"; while ( $lines[ $i++ ] !~ /BEG2DMBC/ && $i < @lines ) { print $lines[ $i - 1 ] } #$bound_index = 0; while ( $lines[$i] !~ /END2DMBC/ ) { $tmp = $lines[ $i++ ]; if ( $tmp =~ /BCS/ ) { print $tmp; chomp $tmp; $tmp =~ s/\s+/ /g; $tmp =~ s/^\s//; @tmp = split ( " ", $tmp ); $bound_index = $tmp[1] - 1; $boundname_ordered[ $bound_index ] = $boundname[ $tmp[2] - 1 ]; print "boundary " . ( $bound_index ) . " assigned a name of $boundname[$tmp[2]-1]\n"; print "boundary type $tmp[2] is $boundname[$tmp[2]-1]\n"; if ( $boundname[ $tmp[2] - 1 ] eq 'ocean' ) { $boundtype[ $bound_index ] = 'ocean'; print "designating boundary $bound_index as ocean\n"; } elsif ( 'island' eq $boundname[ $tmp[2] - 1 ] ) { $boundtype[ $bound_index ] = 'island'; print "designating boundary $bound_index as island\n"; } elsif ( 'land' eq $boundname[ $tmp[2] - 1 ] ) { $boundtype[ $bound_index ] = 'land'; print "designating boundary $bound_index as land\n"; } else { $riverflag = 'no'; foreach $river (@rivernames) { if ( $river eq $boundname[ $tmp[2] - 1 ] ) { $boundtype[ $bound_index ] = 'river'; $riverflag = 'yes'; print "designating boundary $bound_index as river\n"; } } if ( $riverflag eq 'no' ) { $boundtype[ $bound_index ] = 'land'; print "designating boundary $bound_index as dry river\n"; } } } #++$bound_index; } @boundname = @boundname_ordered; $ocean_bound = ''; $river_bound = ''; $open_bound_nb = 0; $open_bound_nn = 0; $land_bound = ''; $island_bound = ''; $closed_bound_nb = 0; $closed_bound_nn = 0; $bound_n = 1; $closed_bound = ''; for ( $ind = 0 ; $ind < @boundtype ; $ind++ ) { print "$ind $boundtype[$ind] $boundname[$ind] "; if ( $boundtype[$ind] =~ /river/ ) { # open boundary print "is a river\n"; $open_bound_nb++; $river_bound .= "$boundlen[$ind] = Number of nodes for open boundary $open_bound_nb $boundname[$ind]\n$bound[$ind]"; $open_bound_nn += $boundlen[$ind]; } elsif ( $boundtype[$ind] =~ /ocean/ ) { # open boundary print "is the ocean\n"; $open_bound_nb++; $ocean_bound .= "$boundlen[$ind] = Number of nodes for ocean boundary $open_bound_nb\n$bound[$ind]"; $open_bound_nn += $boundlen[$ind]; } elsif ( $boundtype[$ind] =~ /island/ ) { print "is an island\n"; $closed_bound_nb++; $island_bound .= "$boundlen[$ind] = Number of nodes for island boundary $closed_bound_nb\n$bound[$ind]"; $closed_bound_nn += $boundlen[$ind]; } elsif ( $boundtype[$ind] =~ /land/ ) { # land boundary print "is land\n"; $closed_bound_nb++; $land_bound .= "$boundlen[$ind] = Number of nodes for land boundary $closed_bound_nb\n$bound[$ind]"; $closed_bound_nn += $boundlen[$ind]; } else { die "unknown boundary type $boundtype[$ind] in $ind boundary"; } } if ( $open_bound_nb + $closed_bound_nb > 0 ) { $bound = "$open_bound_nb = number of open boundaries\n" . "$open_bound_nn = total number of open boundary nodes\n" . $ocean_bound . $river_bound . "$closed_bound_nb = number of closed boundaries\n" . "$closed_bound_nn = total number of closed boundary nodes\n" . $land_bound . $island_bound; } print OUT "$file\n$elem_num $node_num\n$node$elem$bound"; close(OUT);