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This page is a work-in-progress. We are currently working on organizing our benchmark results, and will be adding more tests in the future.

Benchmark problems are one of the mechanisms used to establish the bounds of confidence for numerical codes. We identify here an assortment of benchmark problems that we have used or are considering using to test the circulation codes utilized by the CORIE modeling system.

Problems vary widely in complexity, objectives, and degree of user-control. Most of the problems are not Columbia River specific, and many have been developed elsewhere for reasons unrelated to CORIE.

The table below organizes by type the benchmarks that we have used. The description of most benchmarks typically includes a code-independent statement of the problem and a brief overview of results with ELCIRC and SELFE.
Type General Descriptor Specific Problems
Wind Classical problems with known quantitative solutions for the response of flow to wind forcing, in simple domains.
Tides Analytical solutions for tidal propagation in simple domains.
Baroclinic Unforced river plume problem.
Barotropic 1D initial-value problem of an N-wave run-up on a plane beach.
Baroclinic Process study on the generation of Juan de Fuca eddy under mean summer condition